Ch. IX - A Promise Leads to a Farewell

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The chatters began, questioning of what such a question was asked towards the King.

"Did he do something behind our backs?"

"What? He's THE King Dann. He wouldn't do such things towards us."

"I have regained the souls for you to do as you wish. Now, it is time for me to return the favour," Dann said and opening his eyes and having the Dragon of the North right in front of him and the crowd behind. "However, I would like one last request."

"Go ahead, my king," the Dragon of the North replied as the six souls began to approach the flying mythical creature.

"I would like to have a few minutes of my time before I leave this world, if you shall accept it," Dann asked politely and formally. He bowed down and had his head touching the ground. Hoping his wishes would come true.

"Your wish shall be granted. If you are ready, let me know," the Dragon of the North growled and a bright light blinded everyone. The King stood up, his blue clothes still bright as ever when the sudden flash of light disappeared. From there, six males were in front of Dann and the Dragon of the North. As for the crowd from behind, they all gasped as they could not believe their eyes.

Dann smiled and tears came running down his face as the familiar faces he saw felt like a long waited reunion. He began letting his tears fall down at once, releasing all that was tensed up within his heart.

"Our wounds... we're healed!" Arthur exclaimed, astonished after the events that happened months ago.

"But how?" Jahan questioned but in the background, they could hear someone crying. That certain someone was their eldest brother.

"Dann!" the six males said all in unison towards their eldest brother who started to cry harder. They all crowded around him, wiping his tears away.

"Mujin!... Arthur!... Chiwoo!... all of you!" Dann said in between breaths, he couldn't help but to cry at the sight of his brothers alive and well once again.

Suddenly, a wave of questions were asked from his brothers and Dann regained stability.

"What happened?"

"How do you look like this?"

"How did you heal us?"

Dann smiled and laughed while his younger brothers barraged him with a bunch of questions. "It's all because of the Dragon of the North."

The six brothers turned around and went down on their knees and bowed in respect.

"We, thank you Dragon of the North! How could we repay you?" they said in unison but the dragon growled its response.

"There is no need for your kindness. In fact, the King has to share the truth," the Dragon of the North growled lowly which made the six brothers stand up and face Dann with an awkward silence.

"Dann?" Mujin asked, worried of what was going to happen.

"You guys... the thing is. It has been months since the incident of Dark Passages. All six of you... died since then," Dann began a summary of what happened in the past. The six brothers were shocked in which gave them shivers to their body.

"Dead?! So that means..." Louis turned his head and looked at the Dragon of the North once more and continued, "you revived us?"

Dann nodded and went on.

"I could not bear the loneliness I had to go through ever since you died so I sought out the Dragon of the North. I made a promise on my coronation that I, King Dann would protect you guys and yet I failed. I then made a new promise that I would revive you guys." he said and the crowd behind Dann gasped, not knowing of what he had done. However, they started to clap one by one as they realized that the promise their King had made had finally been fulfilled.

A King's Promise // Dann of KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now