Ch. V - The Truth

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"Minyeong, I have a question to ask you," Dann suddenly asked Minyeong a question as he felt a strange disturbance of the flow of ordinary and it felt like it was right in front of him.

"What is it Seungbo?" replied Minyeong, unaware of why Dann would get a question out of the blue. Her posture began to slouch and she could feel pricks of heat upon her back. It was a moment of stress that was coming to Minyeong.

"Tell me Minyeong, have you been... out a lot?" Dann had his back showing towards the girl as the moonlight began letting its rays in very slowly.

"Why ask?" Minyeong felt the pricks of heat disturb her as it felt like she could die due to the temperature. She tried to keep her cool and gulped heavily.

"According to me, I've been seeing tiny pebbles of stone on your clothes. As your friend, I suggest you tell me the truth," Dann decided to approach her with questions very nicely and tried not to make such a racket in the middle of the night.

"It's just pebbles of rock Seungbo. There's no need to get worked up over it," said Minyeong, trying to get Dann to drop the topic. However, Dann's persistence could not let a topic be left out so easily.

"Sure. You may say that but... your clothes. I haven't said this at the beginning but it's usually very... similar to the dragons," his persistence went on which lead Dann a path where he could have an outburst.

"I liked the dragons so I made myself new attires," she replied back but Minyeong could feel the pricks feel hotter and hotter. Was she hiding something that Dann did not want to know?

"Seungbo, why are you asking me these questions? I'm not hiding any-"

"I know what I know! It is right here in front of me as something is messing with the ordinary flow! As your king, I demand to tell me the truth!" Dann gave a slight outburst and clenched his fists as he showed eyes of fury towards his closest friend. Sighing heavily, he regretted his sudden action.

"I'm sorry... I don't know what's happening with me. It's been so lonely and disappointing ever since they died," the king said, dropping down onto the ground and sat in defeat.

"It really is my fault Minyeong. If I was stronger, they could have been alive right here and now. Instead I have to fight this alone. Sly Swords took the one thing I promised to protect and the promise is now broken," Dann continued on, sounding as if he lost everything that the world has to offer.

"If only... I was the one who died and not them... this kingdom wouldn't be so lone and weary," Dann said everything that was on his mind. He thought of how if he had been the one who died, it wouldn't be so bad instead of losing six brothers at once.

"Jung Seungbo! Don't you dare say that!" Minyeong yelled which made Dann snap out of his depression. "What had happened to the Seungbo I knew? The one that held his pride high and adapted to any situation. The one I'm looking right now, isn't the one I know."

Dann blinked at her and had a sad expression of his face. She was right. Back then, Dann was a very adaptable person yet still persistent. He was very kind, patient and even when something crossed his path, he still adapted and reached his goal. Right now, was a complaining, sad, no-good King that got rid of such good things.

"Besides, I guess it's about time I tell you my truth," Minyeong walked out of the room as the half of the moon's rays entered Dann's room. He became confused of what was going on and quickly tried to catch up with her.

"I have been hiding this secret for a while now Seungbo and it is now time for you to know," Minyeong stated as she stood in front of the moon which made her figure shadowed. The moonlight shined their rays upon her and from there, a loud roar had echoed from across the land.

The King could not believe his eyes. In front of him was no human at all, rather a traditional history of the two stories that was once told by Dann's parents. Dann's dealer was the Dragon of the North but... in front of Dann was just like the Dragon of the North except different in many ways.

Both dragons represented the light and dark of multiverses yet combined as one, they would work together despite their differences. Right in front of Dann was the Dragon of the South. The Dragon of the South was the over-watcher amongst all the beings that lived in this world. Giving them the right needs to live as it was much more friendly than the North.

Kneeling down suddenly, Dann's heart began to race as the one he had been friends with for such a long time was the one and only, Dragon of the South.

"Jung Seungbo, the son of Jung Seunghyuk, I was always with you ever since we first met. The Dragon of the North already told me what you did," Minyeong replied despite her form as a dragon.

"Are you mad at me at such a promise? I want to keep my word," Dann replied, his head lowered in respect.

"Why would I ever be mad at the King? However, is this what you want?" she asked Dann, making sure the promise that he made with the North was definitely what he wanted.

"Yes. Once I have passed, there will be not one king but six. Six kings that will control this kingdom," the king was stern of his answer.

From there a blue bird flew high and landed on the branch of a cherry blossom tree. The bird watched the two talk and talk then flew away.

"Very well then," she agreed to the king's answer, not to create such a fuss over a promise. The Dragon roared loudly and came closer to Dann. "It can't be!"

Dann was confused. What did the South mean? "Minyeong? What is wrong?" he asked, worried of why she was acting so cautious all of a sudden.

The South roared loudly with a commanding tone towards Dann that made him change his expression.

"Dann... they're coming."

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