Convince him

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I went to Nans home.
Ohm: Mum is nan home? After training went to our usual meeting place he was not there,He was not answering my call,did he came home? Is he okay?
Nan's mom: oh ohm, yeah he came earlier, I asked why he didn't come with you and didn't give the snacks to you, he said he was not feeling well and don't want dinner and went to bed,I asked him to go to Doctor he said just headache and rest for sometime. what is happening boys, I am really worried about you , did you fight with each other?, wait don't say you fight for a same girl
Ohm: yuck mum what are you thinking, no, its not like that. May be he is having headache, let him rest, I will take him dinner, mum let me stay here today, lets not leave nan alone. He look after me when I am heart broken mum.
Mum: yeah sure. What's happening? why you boys are like these? Don't make your life complicated, just live happily when you're young. don't fight with each other
Ohm: no we are not fighting mum dont worry about us. we are there for each other, mum I am hungry, please do fried rice for dinner
Mum: I already made dinner, come sit down

wow It looks yummy. I love fried rice, I want to eat dinner with nan but I want to talk to mum, so I started eating

Ohm :mum my friend  hmmm   not friend  we can say classmate, he  love another boy, what do you think about this situation

mum: It depends purely on persons wish and their parents support.  ohm when we were young people was against same sex love and marriage, but now some people understand how they feel and accept them. Most of the people support their children if they go for same sex marriage too. okay are you interested in boy? do you think you love him like you are attracted to him physically, and want to live with him for rest of your life?
Ohm: If its yes will you hate me mom?
I am sure I love him and want to spend rest of my life with him happily.
mum: No ohm, but I am thinking about your parents, will they accept a boy as your life partner, you are their only son, they are working hard for you and they may expect you to fulfil their dreams about your life. We didn't had a situation like gay or lesbian marriages in our friends or neighbour life so I don't know what your parents think about same sex marriage. I am really worried about you son, please ohm dont do something haste to make the situation worst, Think twice before you do anything, dont do anything in haste, okay
Ohm: Yeah true, the parents expect and dream about their children's life but they will definitely wish for my happiness, If I am happy they'll be happy too mum if nan love a boy will you accept him and support him or hate him
Mum: What (after a long silence) First answer my question ohm, do you love a boy or nan loves a boy?, you're thick friends and so you are asking my blessings for him or you love a boy and want support from me.
Ohm: Mum Its me, I love a boy, he is an angel, he is so manly but cute, he cares about me and beautiful and handsome at the same time please understand the situation if you're my mum will you accept me for loving a boy.
Mum: yeah I will give my blessings to you and if its nan who loves the boy, I wont hate him don't worry, but I can't go against Nan's father and of course your parents if they're against same sex marriage but I will give my blessings if you or nan loves a boy. call it a day. Give this dinner to nan, he may be sleeping now, if I disturb him he yell at me but if you do he will take his dinner silently. I don't know what to think and expect from you boys, please give my soul some rest. Good night.
Ohm: night mum

I took the dinner to Nan. He was looking into his notes in study table but zoning out. babe do you think you escaped from me. I won't leave you, you'll be with me forever and let me make you mine.

Ohm: nan I brought you dinner mum told you're having headache, finish your dinner and take medicine and I am going to sleep with you tonight
Nan: what the fuck, why are you here.  just go ohm, I am fine, please dont do this to me ohm, Leave me alone for a weej.  did I look like heartbroken just go I am doing fine.
Ohm: open your mouth say aaah,( I took spoon full of fried rice and shoved in his mouth, he ate it but his eyes was looking at me with emotions I dont recognise,I took another spoon and said ahhhhh and he without any words ate in silence and finished his food, I handed him water and shove a headache tablet in his lips, I whispered)
Ohm: open your mouth for me nan, (he tensed and bit my finger accidentally, naughty it was so good I smirked) are you really hungry for me baby
Nan: ohm idiot it was accident, okay get your things and get out now

I laughed God he is so cute and small when he is angry

Ohm: ok ok sorry no more flirting, go to sleep, I will come and join you
Nan: Get lost. Please ohm go and sleep in your bed I won't allow you to sleep here in my bed and thats final.
Ohm: permission? who need your permission I got mums permission baby
Nan: It is my bed I won't allow you to sleep here
Ohm: ok I will take couch and I won't disturb you, is that ok?
He mumbled
Nan: Whatever
He went to sleep.
I went to bathroom and remove all the dress and I saw my junior was hardened enough. I started masturbating,remembering every detail how nan mouth open and he ate the spoon full of rice , lips and how he finally lick the spoon clean and I reached the climax, God he is so hot and his lips I want to taste him badly. I took shower and changed to pjs, went
near his bed he was asleep like a cute cat. Good night baby kissed his forehead and switch off the light, took pillows and lay down in couch and I know I am acting like a pervert but I want him as my bestfriend and boyfriend what to do and went to sleep after a long time.

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