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As soon as I got home from the hospital, I grabbed my laptop and started writing a new email.


Hey, it's Mitch.

I just got out of the hospital and I feel betrayed and hurt.

My friend has been lying to me and has returned to the world behind the glass.

She knows things we don't.

We need to meet up, and soon.

She said she would eliminate my friends and I can't let that happen.

I'll be visiting family in Texas soon and I plan on squeezing in a meet up with you.

Find out as much as you can.

We need to figure this out before it's too late.


I sent the email and sigh.

This was really happening. Kirstie's a traitor. I have to protect my friends at all costs.

Life was great before she came. Now it was a raging tumult of memories and lies.

I didn't know what to believe anymore.

Could I trust Travis? I haven't even met him yet. But he claims to be like me.

I didn't want to cancel our meet-up; that would make him suspicious if he's betraying me as well. I'll just have to keep my guard up this time. I'll have to tread carefully.

I decided to check Tumblr while I waited for Travis's reply.

My eyes strayed up to the tabs. The one with my email was showing a little one in the corner.

My heart leapt and I clicked the tab.

I swore as I realized it was one of those emails from I deleted it and resumed my Tumbling.

Then I hit post limit.

I got out my phone and resorted to Twitter.

I'd look up occasionally to see if Travis replied.

My phone was about to die, but thankfully I had my handy dandy charger on my desk.

I got off my bed to grab my charger.

I rummaged through the stray papers searching for my charger.

Then I found a slip of paper with Kirstie's number on it.

We had all exchanged phone numbers during Apples to Apples.

I sighed, took the paper, balled it up, and tossed it into the wastebasket.

I finally found my charger and sat back down on my bed to plug it in.

Travis had replied.

That sucks, man. I'm sorry to hear that.

When exactly are you coming to Texas? I'm in school right now, so my schedule isn't very supple.

I bit my lip. My doubts about Travis's trust were like waves, receding then returning to wash away any footprints.

Could I really trust Travis?

I trusted Kirstie and look at me now. Fresh out of the hospital, hurt and betrayed.


Was Avi taking it well? He refused to believe Kirstie would betray us.

He fell hard. Whenever he was with her he was... happier. Now he's fallen again, and I'm afraid he won't come back up.

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