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Travis and I decided to meet up at a Starbuck's on a Thursday, 11 a.m.

I was itching to hear what he had found, and to tell him about my flashback.

I got there first. I checked the time on my phone. 10:57.

It was pretty crowded, so I went ahead and saved a spot for both of us instead of ordering coffee.

At 11:01 Travis appeared. I waved at him. He lays eyes on me and smiles.

"You saved me a seat, thank you!" Travis gushes. He must've been daunted by the number of people in the rather small coffee shop.

"Oh, no problem." I replied with a dismissive wave of my hand.

Travis takes his seat. He wipes his hands on his jeans and holds out his right hand. "Travis. Of course, you knew that."

I shook his head. "I'm Mitch,"

"Should we get coffee first, or?" Travis asks.

I shook my head. "Let's talk first. This is more important than a caramel macchiato--and that's saying something coming from me--plus, it's crowded. It should die down after a while."

Travis nods. "You're right. What have you found?"

"Travis," I began. "Do you get flashbacks?"

Travis thought for a second, then shook his head. "Not that I can recall,"

"Oh. Well, I get these sometimes. And they always show some event that occurred behind the glass."


I nodded. "Kirstie gets them, too. Well, got them." The pain of Kirstie's betrayal jabs me, but it was over in a second. "I had a flashback a couple of weeks ago."

"What did you see?" Travis asks, his hands folded together and resting on the table. His interest was apparent as he leans in slightly, wanting to hear every word I'm about to say.

"I saw a Reflection being created."

Travis's eyes widened a little. "Tell me about it." He says eagerly.

I recounted my flashback in explicit detail. Travis hung onto every syllable.

Travis sighs in wonder once I had finished my story. "That's amazing... How come I don't get those flashbacks?"

"Funny story," I said. "When Kirstie told me she had flashbacks I asked that exact same question. Then about 5 minutes later I had a flashback. So. Yeah, you just jinxed yourself. Most likely, anyway."

Travis just nods. "Nice."

Then I told Travis about Kirstie's betrayal.

"So she could go back into the glass? How?"

I shrug. "Beats me. Whenever I touch glass I almost go into a coma."

Travis winced. "I get that, too."

I nodded, then drummed my fingers on the table.

"Are you all right, Mitch?" Travis asks, concerned.

"Yeah. Yeah, of course. I just... I just hope we'll be able to figure this whole thing out because it is screwing me over."

Travis gives me a sympathetic look.

I sighed. "What did you find, Travis?" I asked.

Travis bit his lip. "Not much,"

"Tell me."

Travis nods. "All I found was from dreams. The Kris guy, he warned me about a traitor. He must've been talking about your friend. That's about it. That probably wasn't much help, I'm sorry."

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