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It's October now. We've already finished the North American leg, and we were about a third of the way through the European leg.

I was worried I would have a flashback in the middle of the concert, but I've gotten through about 20 shows without incident.

Hopefully tonight I'll be able to keep my streak.

I never really got nervous for shows before, but ever since the flashbacks started I felt like I was gonna puke right there in front of everyone.

I'd hate to pass out on stage and make the fans worried. Scott, Kevin, and Avi would know what was going on, but everyone in the audience would be panicking and calling an ambulance.

And Mommy ain't about to get in no ambulance.


Tonight was our Paris show, and I tried all day to take my mind off my nerves and enjoy the scenery and fashion.

It worked... for a little.

I found an Acne Studios so I was happy. But as the show grew closer, the more nauseous I felt.

Just one more month, Mitch. Maybe Travis has found something and you won't have to be worried anymore.

Before I knew it, I was in hair and makeup, about an hour until the show started.


I tried to ignore the voice, but it was nearly impossible.

No one except Scott, Kevin, and Avi have noticed my recent behavior.

Jonathan was worried when he saw that I wasn't eating that much. Truth of it is, I was afraid the es cargo would come right back up.

The fandom was taking notice, too.

I knew I needed to be positive on stage. I needed to sing my little heart out and dance like a gerbil on a sugar high.

I could hear the crowd talking and singing.

Here goes nothing.


My nerves had reduced significantly as the concert went on. This was a good sign my streak would be kept.

But towards the end of the last song, I began to feel dizzy.

No, not now!

I was waiting for Scott to finish the last note.

Hurry, Scott...

He finally ended the song and the lights went out.

I couldn't see, but I could feel myself dropping to the ground.


I open my eyes only to find myself surrounded by strangers.

I sat up, panic setting in.

I could barely speak; my eyes were darting around like a frightened animal about to be killed by its predator.

I stood, still speechless, studying each person until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I scream and rely on my first instinct; to throw a punch.

A hand rises to stop my fist.

I cried out as the hand squeezed. I could hear my knuckles cracking. I sank to my knees.

"Relax," A soothing yet blood-curdling voice coos. "You're safe now, my son. You're home."

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