You'll Be Okay

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This is the last chapter.

Behind the Glass has 1.4k reads.

Beyond the Glass has 1k reads.

This story has over 300.

I could not have achieved this fairly large level of success without any of you guys.

Thank y'all somaj for every vote, every comment, everything.

I hope this ending is satisfying and that you'll stick around for future stories!

Don't cry Bailey. You're in your living room. Your family will stare at you.

Now before I begin this *sobs* last chapter, I would like to thank everyone who submitted ideas bc I was literally trapped in a room and the walls were made of writer's block. (See what I did there? Walls? Most of them are made of blocks? No? Okay.) So that's @PTX_Pentaholic99, @IncognitoPotato, and @SlayersFan132. I didn't use all the ideas but thanks to all of you for helping me through the block.

So... I guess now I have to... *sniffle* continue into the actual chapter.

Don't look at me I'm an ugly crier.

(And you'll see why I added in Run To You later)

Mitch's POV

I grit my teeth, clenching my fists.

I basically just killed myself, but at least my friends are safe.

"Aww," 1 crones. "How sweet of you, Mitchell. That is your human name, correct?"

I didn't respond. I only stared daggers at him.

"But now, you, a weak, mundane human, has no choice but to defeat me."

"I'd rather die a weak, mundane human than die a ruthless murderer like you." I spat.

1 smiles.

I lunge.


Kirstie's POV

Scott was being incredibly difficult.

It was touching how he didn't want to leave Mitch, but it was really inhibiting our progress.

I was considering just letting him swim back and get himself killed, but Mitch would have my head if I let that happen.

He may be human now, but he hasn't changed at all.

My limbs felt like they were on fire, and so did my lungs. Where is the dumb mirror?!

After what felt like forever, we finally made it to the end, all of us just barely conscious.

We all gasped for air as soon as it was available to us.

I saw Scott sitting there on his knees. I thought he would be incredibly upset considering how much he loved Mitch.

"What happens if Mitch dies in there, Kirstie?" He asks. "Does he die for real?"

I sighed and nodded.

Scott didn't say anything, he just stared off with a sheen of tears clouding his bright blue eyes.


Mitch's POV

I lunged, hoping I would be faster than 1's reflexes.

He was right; he had magic and I didn't. I didn't even have a weapon.

I may just die today.

But at least my friends will be okay.

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