We Meet Again

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Bit of a heads-up, this is a mini chapter. And it's a prelude to the emotional roller coaster that is the next chapter. ;)


Once we got back to the States, Travis and I met up at Casa de la Homosexual.

"Nice place," Travis says, looking around.

"Thanks!" I replied. "You can sit down on the couch." I added, pointing to the sofa.

"Looks comfy," Travis sighs as he plops onto the couch. "It is." He sang. "Where are your friends?"

"Oh, they're at Avi's place." I replied as I sat down on the love seat across from him. "You found anything?"

Travis pressed his lips together, shaking his head. "Sorry."

I shook my head. "No, it's fine, Travis." I replied. "I'll just report all my findings."

Travis repositioned himself so that he was sitting on the edge of his seat.

"I have a name." I said.

Travis's eyes widened. "For who?"

I smiled. "The Boss Man."

His eyes got wider. "Well, go ahead. Spill it."

I opened my mouth and then my phone started ringing. I groan. "What do you want, Scott?"

"Mitch, you need to get down here." Scott's voice was high-pitched and panicked.

My heart skipped a beat. "Why? What's wrong?"

Scott sighs. "It's Avi."

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