The Sacrifice

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My phone fell from my hand as Scott said those two words.

"Mitch?" Travis says.

My breaths came out in short huffs. He didn't... He isn't...

I shut my eyes, breathing in deeply.

"We need to go." I said, opening my eyes. "Something happened to Avi. I need to get over there." I added while grabbing my keys.

"Do you need me to come?" Travis asks, standing.

"I don't care I just need to get to Avi's."


I ran inside to see what was going on.

The door was unlocked.

"Scott?" I called. "Kevin?"

"We're in the bathroom!" I hear Kevin yell back.

My blood ran cold.

He's dead. Oh, he's dead.

I ran to the bathroom anyway.

But Avi wasn't dead.

But I wasn't so sure about Kirstie.

Blood was gushing from her head.

What happened? How did she get here?

Avi was sobbing over Kirstie's body. "It's all my fault..." I heard him choke out.

"We need to get Kirstie to a hospital." I said.

"You don't think we haven't already called an ambulance?" Scott replies sassily.

Then I could hear the sirens.

"About freaking time." Scott mutters.

Paramedics came in and took Kirstie from Avi's arms, laying her on a gurney.

Avi watches as they lift her into the ambulance, his stare blank and glassy.


Avi told us what happened while we sat in the waiting room.

"I walked up to my mirror and begged for Kirstie to come back.

"I waited for her to answer, but she grabbed the front of my shirt and suddenly I was underwater.

"Then I saw her. She was exactly like Mitch described her; russet hair, blue-green eyes, freckles, but her features were exactly the same. I knew it was Kirstie.

"She breaks the surface and brings me onto dry land. Well, the ground was wet but you know what I mean.

"She folded her arms and was standing there acting like she was too cool for school, talking about how I better be glad she didn't kill me.

"She punched me when I asked her if she didn't or wouldn't kill me.

"Then this ominous voice pierces the air, sending shivers up my spine.

"Kirstie just burst into sobs, sinking to her knees.

"When the voice asked about why I was there, Kirstie only cries harder.

"I grew angry. I clenched my fist, called him a coward, then demanded that he show himself.

"I couldn't really see him. It was dark. But he hits Kirstie, yelling at her to get up and not be so soft.

"My anger spilled over. I told him to not hurt her again.

"Then these... shadows curl from his fingertips, gyrating as they created a small sphere.

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