13. I Couldn't Be Your Friend

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*content warning for everything under the sun. If you are sensitive, proceed with caution. If you've gotten this far, more of the like*


E! News: Actor Park Jimin seen leaving court after testifying and entering Henrietta Hudson, a longtime gay bar in the West Village. No word yet on when he left, or who he left with.

Soomin arrived back at her building about twenty seconds after Jungkook and Sejin pulled up. She jumped out of her town car and rapped her knuckles on the window of their SUV impatiently.

"Jungkookie? Honey?" She called, peering through the tinted windows in an attempt to get to her son.

He carefully pushed the door open, easing her backwards so he could get out, meeting her eyes as he stood in front of her on the sidewalk.

"Let's go inside, honey," she said quietly, tilting her head up at him and motioning towards the doorman who was waiting for them.

Jungkook nodded, following her into the elevator in silence with Sejin behind, still talking on the phone in a hushed voice.

"Come on, it was a big day. Let's just order some food and distract ourselves with a Meryl Streep movie or something, yeah? What do you think?" Soomin suggested, ushering him off the elevator and towards the door, fishing her keys from her purse.

She squinted, bringing her head up, an incensed scowl digging onto her face before she looked at Jungkook, "Kiddo, can you wait here? Let me deal with this," she said, voice coming out calm and sweet, which surprised him.

Jungkook nodded, taking her purse and willing himself not to see or hear what was about to happen.

"Park Jimin!" Her voice rang out; a high soprano cutting through the hallway. Soomin reached her door in a flash, where Jimin was waiting.

He looked startled, flinching hard when he heard her abrasive tone.

"What are you doing here? Honestly! Do you really think this is where you should be right now?" She exclaimed, gesturing at him with both hands.

He didn't even get a chance to speak before she shushed him with one finger.

"And don't you even think I didn't know you were drunk today in court. Do you know how much trouble you could get into for that? Jesus Christ, Jimin, this is not okay," she hissed, pointing her finger at his chest.

He shook his head, eyes bloodshot and watery, "Soo, I'm sorry, I don't know," he whispered, putting his hands on either side of his head, knotting his fingers in his hair.

Soomin gasped, "Jimin! You'd better not be drunk right now outside my door," she warned sternly, eyes wide with fury and grave concern.

Jimin's shoulders trembled, "I'm not drunk! I promise! I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you. And to him, I need to explain," he begged, chin wobbling.

She shook her head, "Jimin, honey, I'm sorry too. But we can't talk right now. Do you know how bad this is? And you might not be drunk but I'm willing to bet you've been drinking all afternoon," she insisted, throwing up her hands and making a pained face at him.

"Soo, I need to explain, please. I promise I'm not drunk, come on. We need to talk," he begged, unwilling to give up just yet. His cheeks were shiny with growing desperation.

She put her hands on either side of his head, shaking hers powerlessly, "Honey, I love you. This, oh gosh, it's really not good," she murmured, locking eyes with him.

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