22. You Went Away

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*trigger warning for mention of suicidal tendencies, content warning for language, mature topics, etc.*

NYT Headline: JJK has disappeared from the public eye after being acquitted and hasn't resurfaced. There have been a number of supposed sightings all over the country, but none that have been confirmed. Kim Taehyung hasn't been seen with him either, though the actor has been seen with a number of other supposed "friends" looking very cozy indeed.


"Kelly, it's been a month. Where is he?" Soomin demanded, eyes ablaze as she stood in her kitchen in white pajamas though it was mid-afternoon.

Kelly sighed and shook her head, "I don't know, Soo," she replied, voice reticent.

"And before you ask, I'm not looking through his bank statements or tracking his phone," she sternly retorted after noticing Soomin winding up with a litany of presumed questions.

Soomin put two fingers to her forehead. She looked bedraggled, as though she were in need of a haircut and a good night of sleep.

"Where is he? If you know, why aren't you telling me?" She begged, bereft.

Kelly had a contrite look on her face, "I already told you, I don't know," she reminded, keeping her voice soft.

Soomin crossed her arms, "I don't believe you," she argued, brow pulling together into a frustrated crinkle.

"Soo, I don't know. I'm not lying, I know he's okay, and I know where he isn't, but that still leaves a lot of stones unturned," Kelly emphasized, gesturing with both hands.

"How do you know he's okay then?" Soomin pursed her lips and leaned on the counter, propped up by her elbows.

Kelly stifled a groan, completely exasperated. She took a deep breath, "We've talked about this," she softly goaded, "He checks in every so often, that's our agreement," she nodded.

Soomin shook her head, pressing her hands into her eyes, "Why won't he come back? Why won't he even talk to me?"

"How am I supposed to believe he's okay when no one has even seen him for over a month?"

Kelly paused, biting her upper lip as she decided how she was going to respond.

"Soo, he's an adult. He's capable of taking care of himself, and he has confirmed with me, in not so many words, that he's in okay shape," she explained, as though reminding a child of the rules.

"I think we have to take into account that he's a pretty resilient guy, and he's usually good about asking for help when he needs it," she finished, looking at Soomin with deep gravitas.

Soomin made a high-pitched sound of irritation, "Can you just get him back here?" She wasn't willing to give up just yet.

"Is he in New York? Or maybe Boston? Is he alone?" She asked, repeating all the questions as though on a carousel.

Kelly sat down opposite from Soomin on a stool at the kitchen island, "We've talked about this," she said for the millionth time.

"He's not in Boston, as far as I know. And he's not in New York. He's not at any of the houses he owns, and he hasn't bought any new real estate, I would have seen it," she sighed.

"He's not in LA either. Lili is out there right now, so is Tae; they would've seen him at the house," Kelly blankly explained.

"It seems like he's probably on his own, unless he met up with someone that I don't know of," she shrugged.

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