47. Nineteen

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E! News Hollywood: It was the Oscars 2.0 at Min Yoongi's house yesterday with the arrival of his bouncing baby girl. Word on the street is that he and his husband are facing off over everything from the name to the nanny.


"Koo," Taehyung tapped Jungkook's shoulder, "Are you writing a story about us having sex?"

He was squinting at the younger's laptop, finally grabbing his glasses and shoving them on.

Jungkook shook his head, "No," he denied with a wince, "I'm really not," he gritted out, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Taehyung took the laptop screen and angled it towards himself, "Um, I think that's exactly what you're doing," he scoffed, indignant.

Still, Jungkook shook his head, "No, honey. I'm- well, I'm writing down what we did last night so I don't forget all the things that it felt like. All the things we said," he admitted, face heating up.

"It's not the kind of story that anyone will ever see. I just wanted to have it fresh in my mind," he mumbled, the red heat creeping up his ears to the top of his head.

Taehyung cooed, seeing Jungkook blush and duck his head, "You're so cute," he chirped, making a little rainbow with his hands.

"It never ceases to amaze me that to the outside world, you look like this scary dude with big arms and tattoos," he began, tone admiring as he used a fingertip to trace loops down the younger's arm, "But to me, you're the guy who never wants to forget that time he cried during sex," he beamed, practically bouncing with adoration.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Don't make it sound like that. It just felt important," he whispered, chin to his chest.

Taehyung rubbed the younger's shoulders and kissed the top of his head, pausing for a moment to try and read the words on the screen.

"That's not even what I said, Koo," he scoffed, pointing, "I'm pretty sure I said are you sure you're ready," he corrected, tapping the screen.


Jungkook was peering up at him, laser focused and waiting, a million fragmented thoughts in the back of his mind. He perched on the table, letting Taehyung shuffle closer to softly run his hands up and down the tops of his legs.

"You sure you're ready, honey?"

The younger hummed with exasperated laughter, slowly shaking his head, "Tae, if you keep asking me that, I'm going to go choose whichever one of my thousands of sex toys is the closest to the size of your dick and take a shower by myself," he teased, mouth twitching to hide a smile

"Yes, I'm ready. Yes, I want to do this, okay?"

Taehyung rubbed his cheeks with both hands, abashed, "Yes, yes, I'm sorry," he mumbled to himself, not sure where to go next. He leaned forward to place his hands around the younger's neck, tipping his head up to find any fault lines.

Jungkook tilted his head, waiting for something that didn't come, "Do you want me to start?" He kept his voice low, everything between them feeling so fragile, precious.

"Yeah. Sorry," Taehyung whispered, face heating up. He so badly wanted to touch and not just look, but it was hard. He was uncertain, all of his nerves reanimating as soon as they had left Jungkook's room.

"Don't apologize. I get it," he shrugged, pushing the guilt aside to run his finger along the older's waistband, "Give me the lube."

Jungkook expertly flipped open the cap and dispensed some lube onto two fingers. Taehyung was struck by the level of comfort, precision. It made his heart flutter and his nerves sizzle.

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