43. Heavy

465 24 58

*trigger warning for references to suicidal ideation*

Entertainment Lawyer: There are whisperings around town that a bomb is about to be dropped on none other than the king of all bomb droppers, JJK himself. Other sources say he's the one pulling the strings.


Jungkook spent the next twenty four hours trying not to be outrageously frustrated.

He was angry, both at Taehyung and at himself, that they were still in this circular pattern and seemed unable to get past it. He spent much of that time sitting behind his desk with his arms and legs tightly crossed, glaring at the wall.


JUNGKOOK: Can't remember
if you have my new number

JUNGKOOK: It's your one and
only ex husband

LILI: The only ex husband
I know of, at least

LILI: What's up?

you a weird question?

LILI: I'll save the wisecracks
for later because you're making yourself an easy target

LILI: So yes go right ahead


JUNGKOOK: Do you think
my mind isn't made up
about Tae?

LILI: What does that
even mean?

JUNGKOOK: I don't know

JUNGKOOK: He told me to
make up my mind

LILI: About him? Like as
in dating him?

JUNGKOOK: Yeah, exactly.
He gave me an ultimatum too

JUNGKOOK: It was so weird

LILI: A what? Wtf?

JUNGKOOK: Right??? He
was like hey I love you a ton
but also our relationship is
now or never so get it together

JUNGKOOK: And I'm sort of
mad but it's also making me
feel crazy

JUNGKOOK: Crazier than usual

LILI: Whoaaaa

JUNGKOOK: That's why I was wondering if you thought my
mind needed to be made up

JUNGKOOK: I feel like it is
and I've told him that but
he doesn't seem to get it

LILI: First of all, calm down

LILI: Second of all, I've known
you for a hundred years so it seems that your mind is made up to me

LILI: That being said,

LILI: Wait, can I just call you?
I don't feel like typing all this
bullshit out plus Tae is also texting
me and I don't want to get this confused

JUNGKOOK: Um - yes

Jungkook didn't take the time to wait for Lili to call, instead calling her immediately. When she picked up, he was impatient, tapping his fingers on the desk.

"Okay so before you start your monologue, what is he saying to you?"

Lili let out a quiet, slow laugh. It was clear she was amused, but she didn't pontificate, "Jungkookie, I'm not going to betray his trust just because we were married for a long time," she chided, happily sitting on her patio in the sun.

LOVE YOU TO DEATH | TAEKOOKTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang