48. Cloud 9

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Boston Globe: JJK seen in a waiting room at Mass General with a group that the world has come to recognize as his usual clan. He hasn't been spotted in Boston in months, if not years, and hasn't given any indication as to why he's in the state, since it's clear that he no longer lives here and his house is vacant.


HOBI: Hey are you up?

LILI: I am now?!

LILI: It's so early

HOBI: Yeah, sorry about that

HOBI: Question for you

LILI: Shoot

HOBI: I know you said you'd
help with the baby anytime

LILI: Okay...

HOBI: Did you mean that?

LILI: Yes???

HOBI: Would now be an


HOBI: Yoongi is going to
pop an aneurysm

LILI: Just bring her over?

HOBI: Cool well I'm outside
walking her around so I'll see
you in like two minutes

LILI: I'll make coffee I guess


Hobi knocked on the door not thirty seconds later with a screaming newborn and mismatched pajamas, "Hi," he sighed, eyes big and frazzled.

Lili bit back a laugh, "Hi, honey, give her to me," she smiled, beckoning to him with both hands.

Hobi plunked the baby in her arms and dropped a diaper bag, baby carrier, and a number of other items in the hallway before breezing into the kitchen for coffee and some silence.

She was all too happy to bounce Hobi's daughter, walking around the house until Jaehyun woke up and took the baby—who fell asleep almost immediately—and then sat on the couch watching the food network and sipping his coffee, which Lili quietly pushed into his hand.

"How did he do that?" Hobi hissed from the kitchen table, glaring at the back of Jaehyun's head.

Lili shot him a warning glance, raising an eyebrow to say, do you want our help or not?

"Babies are like animals. If you're calm, they will be too," she shrugged, unbothered, "Plus, in case you didn't know, he loves kids. Loves them. I'm shocked he doesn't have kids already, honestly."

Hobi heaved a noisy sigh, "For some reason I thought the sleep deprivation wasn't going to be that bad," he said, wrinkling his nose.

"What on earth made you think that?" Lili exclaimed, rolling her eyes at the audacity.

He turned a palm to the ceiling, "I don't know. Yoongi handles so much other stuff with such ease that I assumed we would kind of sail through this as well," Hobi guessed, chugging his coffee.

"Honey, from what I can see he's not adjusting very well. It's not the type of stress he's used to," Lili interjected, quirking a brow, "He can't just throw money at it and make it go away."

Hobi nodded, staring hard at the center of the kitchen table before bringing his eyes back up to meet hers, "Exactly. That's why we come here at 5am. Because you two are somehow the baby whisperers," he murmured, shaking his head.

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