49. Sainthood

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Boston Globe: A premature departure from Mass General without Park Jimin was in order for JJK and his partner Kim Taehyung. The two looked awfully cozy, despite seeming somewhat off, with Taehyung holding the author's hand and opening the car door for him.


"Seriously, Hana, why are you here? We both know that you aren't here for Mom right now."

Jungkook fought to keep an ugly sneer off his face, but by the look that Taehyung and Jimin exchanged, he wasn't doing a very good job.

She scoffed, "Like I said, you aren't the only one entitled to care for Mom, Jungkook."

He set his jaw, forcing his hands open, not wanting to draw attention to them with fists clenched.

"Fine. Stay here, she wants to see Tae and Chim. You can wait," Jungkook announced, beckoning to the other two and indicating that his sister should stay put.

However, the wind quickly fell from his sails when his phone buzzed, "Oh. Mina said she's sleeping," he sighed.

Taehyung used two fingers to signal for the younger to sit next to him, "Come sit, honey. We can wait," he murmured, quiet as he tried to appease the emotions running hot.

Jungkook reluctantly complied, folding himself into the chair to Taehyung's left, which left him facing his sister, who squared her shoulders and smiled at him, though it was eerie.

"Glad to see you're not in prison," she voiced in disdain, brow arcing up in a faint challenge.

Jungkook snorted, "Doubtful," he rolled his eyes, glancing over at Jimin who was staring at him, frozen with dread.

Hana flipped her hair behind one shoulder, "Honestly, I'm shocked Jimin is still willing to speak to you but I guess you know what they say about old habits," she said, voice breezy and casual.

"Oh wait, they don't die hard. You killed them," she added, tipping her head towards him.

Jungkook seethed, clenching his teeth, "Hana shut the fuck up, you have no idea what you're talking about," he hissed, nostrils flaring.

Jimin and Taehyung were suspiciously quiet, all eyes on Hana as she inspected her nails.

One corner of her mouth twisted into a smirk, "Don't I? Don't forget my room used to be next to yours," she cautioned, brushing imaginary wrinkles from her perfectly-ironed emerald green trousers.

"I know plenty and I'm willing to bet I knew a lot more about you before you even did," she hummed, voice high and nasally.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes, "Ancient history, bitch," he snapped, annoyed as fuck about her presence.

Hana sighed in soprano, "Yes and no. It's not important, I suppose," she shrugged, batting her lashes at Jimin, who was staring at her with a deeply unsettled expression on his face.

Jungkook scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"That's right, can you just go back to Connecticut now? I still don't get why you came here," he huffed, tone derisive, "Mom told me that she and Mina were visiting you only a few days ago," he finished, flicking his fingers through the air.

Hana set her mouth into a thin line, her air of superiority fading.

"I have a kid now, Jungkookie. And I don't want you around her," she replied, voice much smaller, tinged with regret, "I'm here to say that."

Jungkook was breathless, settling backwards in his chair, "W-what? Oh, um, okay," he whispered, looking ashamed before pulling his eyes away from her.

He could feel Taehyung's hand on his shoulder, though he wriggled out from under it. Just like he could feel Jimin's concern, palpable, frothy. It was hard to avoid.

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