14. Why Even Try

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*content warning for language, substance misuse, reference to unlawful behavior, violence*


TMZ: Kim Taehyung seen leaving the building where JJK is rumored to be staying. The actor was in tears, rushing into a cab before he could respond to any questions. Taehyung has never been romantically linked to a woman, so the public is wondering: Was this a lover's quarrel? A breakup? Or something worse?


Taehyung felt horrible. He was so angry and frustrated. He was also confused. But mostly, he felt horrible.

He left Soomin's penthouse, feeling like his heart had been clawed out of his body and cut up with scissors. It was difficult to contain his emotions as he slipped through the lobby and into the town car that had brought him.

It wasn't like he had anywhere to be, so he went back to his suite at the Palace. Not Jungkook's suite, of course. That would be insane.

His suite: a nice, normal, one-floor suite with a cozy living room, a giant bed he could flop down on, and a library with a wingback chair that he was currently sitting in, drinking, surrounded by bookshelves and art.

No matter how much he drank, he couldn't entirely erase the pain that was caused by Jungkook believing that he and Jimin had been playing a trick on him. He supposed that it hurt so badly because he knew how much it hurt Jungkook too. His phone's nonstop buzzing didn't help.

HOBI: Where are you?

HOBI: Are you okay?

HOBI: I'm worried about you

HOBI: Tae, it's been a really long time

HOBI: Are you coming back to Yoongi's apartment?

HOBI: Hello?! Stop ignoring my phone calls

Hobi called him over and over and over again, but he couldn't bring himself to answer any of the calls. The level of destruction was disastrous, he thought. No one had anything left. Or, anyone left.

HOBI: Taehyung, last chance.

HOBI: Should I call Jungkook?

HOBI: Or his lawyer? Or Jimin?

HOBI: Come on, man.

Taehyung let his phone fall into his lap, abandoned. It wasn't like he had anything to say anyways. The last of the ice in his bourbon melted as he swished it around. He wished he could melt into nothing right along with it.

Briefly, he wondered what Jungkook would even say if Hobi called looking for him. He'd probably laugh and hang up. Or scream.

YOONGI: Tae, can you call
me please?

YOONGI: I'd like to talk

YOONGI: Dude, this is not cool. Where are you?

YOONGI: Can you come back
to my place?

YOONGI: ?????

YOONGI: Seriously? This is
immature and it's not cool to
make us worry

YOONGI: Where are you?

Taehyung sighed. Part of him felt immense relief that Yoongi wanted to talk to him. And part of him was petrified of what Yoongi might say.

YOONGI: Can you please
just text me back?

TAEHYUNG: Yeah, sorry

YOONGI: Tae, jesus, you
scared us half to death

YOONGI: Where are you?

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