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Shottie: Oh ill tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to shoot you and throw your body down that cliff!

Hideri: No! Please! Just let me go!

Shottie: No! I've already told you my plan!

Hideri: Please! Stop!

Shottie: 1...CHK!

Hideri: Please!

Shottie: 2...CHK!

Hideri: Please! I'll do anything!

Shottie: 3! BAM!

Hideri: NOOO!

Flashback ends

(tears roll down Ol' pumper shottie's cheeks)

Ol' pumper shottie: I'm... I'm so sorry Hideri kun.

Morgan walks into the room, tears streaming down his cheeks "I miss my biological father" He said "amogman"

Ol' pumper shottie: "Well you will see him soon." Chk! Chk! BAM!

Morgan's eyes widened "Owie," he said. He fell back and yelped, starting to bleed a bit. That's when he emerged, Moogusǃǃǃǃ! "Daddy?!" Morgan cried

Amogman: No my son. For your father is away fighting in the not-so-great war. Morg(an)z was nervous. R...really? I thought he died in the absolutely smashing war of Britland! Then Morz fell into a deep coma.

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