Her First Snowfall

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hello dear reader, hope you will enjoy this one shot i wrote after an year, do comments your thoughts a lot <3

Playlist -
Dandelions - Ruth B.
Aameen 2.0 - Hashmat Sultana

Warning - Cheesy, Cliché (lol)


"She is back...
'There's only one reason why I like winter.
The leaves that were covering my window have fallen, so I can now see your window across the street.
And because of Christmas and New Year's Day, you come back to this town and spend a few days here.'..."

We had started watching the k-drama WHEN THE WEATHER IS NICE when this soliloquy of male lead was shown in the first episode when the female lead comes back in her hometown and the male lead was having a crush over her for years and I couldn't help but reminisce about him.

I came out of my thoughts and asked Vish to replay that scene, I missed last few minutes in his thoughts.

"Again, you were thinking about him? Weren't you? Don't dare to lie!", Vish jumped off her sit.

"Yes, so what?", I replied.

"Zoyaaa!!! Why don't you try to make a move? Seven years of yours having a crush over him. Only you can be this patient." she stated.

"Are you going to let me watch or not?", I sighed in annoyance.

"Okay!", she frowned.

"But seven years matters, you have been loyal to your one sided crush for freaking seven years but don't have the courage to confess.", she still couldn't say silent.

"What do you want me to do? Just show up all of a sudden in someone's life who doesn't even know my existence and confess out of blue?? ", I asked back. Why can't she understand such a simple thing?

"I'm not asking you to confess, just drop a hello atleast. Try to approach him, let him know about how you are, the person you are and it depends on him what he wants. And to be precise, he knows your existence. You both follow each other on IG, so just drop a message atleast. For God sake, he's not just random anyone but your cousin."

"And for God sake, Vish, please stop. That's the exact thing that he's not just random anyone, he's my cousin. It would have be easier if he was just another unknown person."

"So what's a big deal with it??"

"It is."

"You cried when you looked at his recent pictures at his sister's wedding. You were crying looking at him all happy. You were jealous when you saw him comfortably smiling and posing with an unknown blonde. You was frustrated for a whole week because you couldn't attend the wedding. His happiness but him unknown to your depth of feelings made you cry.", she hyped up.

"Just let it be. You won't understand. By the way, I've decided, I'll just see him once more and then get over him.", I replied.

"You will see him once more? How many times have you seen him to say just once more? You have met him just once that too years ago. And what do you think, when you gonna get his audience? They haven't visited India in years. Why you always choose so much complexity for you, Ms. Zoya Shihaab Raza?"

"I'm complex, complexity is me. Fine?", I ended the conversation.

"Fine. Go to hell."

"Obviously, with you babe!!", I tickled her and we were laughing mess in no time.

He, who is unaware of my feelings and reason of my restless heart. My cousin, Mahir Shazaan Raza, who is five years older than me.

My chote abbu shifted to London after his marriage. He was born and brought up in London only with his sister Hoorain Raza who is four years older than him. While I was brought up here in India only. I am the only child of my parents. Having no sibling around me also made me distant from growing a bond with my cousins.

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