Spotless Mind (Conclusion)

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You must be thinking from where the heck this notification popped up in my phone. Was I reading a story something like this?

Then. Yeah. My little cuties, you freakin' were! This little girl has been updating it after 4524318906 K years! I know! Extremely Sorry! 🙁

Decently, go and read the previous two crappy installment of it to reminisce what was going on!

This is for you Adorer! Because you wanted this update since a long time. Sorry and Love 👀

Kindly pardon me beforehand for the crap you're going to read.

On 13th February, he was going through the same process but when he reached at the mid of this procedure, his heart was telling him to go back. He was restless. His mind connected to Bela's and then he said her to meet tomorrow on that beach where they met recently. They are connected by heart. As Bela said, *Dil ka Rishta*.

Today, 17th February, 2019. Mahir thought while driving to doctor's, "I really wanna know what the fuck happened. It's so bothering and confusing. I lost Bela once again. Why the fuck I erased her from my memories? How can I do this. This is not done Mahir. You are guilty. And you have to sort out this mess you created."

He reached to doctor's but he saw Police taking him away and a lady with prosecutor. He went to that lady and asks, "Hey! I'm so sorry to bother you but you know what's happening here?". The lady gave him cold look and turned her face again, she gritted her teeth and spoke up, "A dumbass is getting his punishment. I will make sure, he pays for his deeds."

"Sorry! What? Leave it. Can you tell me what's happening with Dr. Gerrard?", Mahir said decently. "He's going hell! Wanna join him?", she again snapped back. "Woah Miss!! I'm very much in trouble. My love life is at stake. Please elaborate me the situation. I really need to know what happened with us. You don't know, because of this doctor, our life is spoiled.", he pleads.

"And you don't know, how much he spoiled my life. I was his receptionist. He the Fuck, first, engaged with me in a extra marital affair but I never knew he's married. I was madly in love with him. One day, when I caught him with his wife, I was numbed. I asked him why he did this to me? He didn't say anything and injecting me anesthesia, he erased my memory. From that day, I was just doing my job. You must remember on 13th Feb, you were going through reconsolidation. That day he went to his wife who was waiting downstairs for him. He gave me your documents and told me to put that in locker and in hurry he forgot that the locker have more documents as well, one of them was ours. While puttimg your data, an envelope fell down and it has our pictures, his and mine. First I couldn't understand what was that, then I asked my colleague, she told about the relation I shared with him. He terrorised her to not speak up the truth to me. But then I thought to not lose my mind in rage. Since, he came back before I could steal all the documents, I waited for correct time. Then after collecting all the data, I sent it to their respective owners and now he's going behind bars for cheating and spoiling so many lives."

Narrating him everything, she took a deep breath and Mahir was just speechless. Whatever the situations were, but it was his mistake absolutely that he spilled shit about Bela. Yes, she was enraged and she did wrong but he must acted as mature.

Without saying a word, he drove to Bela. He knocked and knocked but she didn't open the door. It was late at night, so he slept there only, outside her house in freezing cold.

Bela woke up next day, early at morning with a heavy head as she cried till her eyes droop close. She sneaked out of window and saw a half-conscious shivering Mahir. Her heart couldn't stop her and she ran to him. She made him stand up and drew inside the room. His body was cold and numbed. She lit up the fireplace and tucked him under comforter and blankets. She slipped beside him and hugged him to transfer some heat.

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