Chapter 2- Dreams

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Your POV:
Y(You) T(Thomas)
T: com on (y/n) get out of the house!
Y: I can't!
T: come on! He would want you to be happy. To have fun!
Y: I can't, Thomas
T: at least come get a few drinks with us
Y: Thomas I have a child to take care of and I won't be able to do that if I'm drunk!
I sigh and put down my phone. Charles, Chuck, was sleeping so I decided to go to sleep myself. But before I was able to fall asleep, I got a text.
T: if Newt were here, he would've come with us
I want to slap Thomas. He knows how I am after what happened. I sigh and decide not to think about it. I lay back in bed and try to fall asleep.

"Who are you?" I ask sitting up. The boy turned to look at me.
"Bloody hell you scared me, next time learn to say hi first," he laughs. "I'm Newt."
"Where am I, Newt?" I look sound the room. I was in a be and the blond boy sat in a chair. There was only one window and when I looked out of it, all I saw were trees and grass.
"The glade," he says exaggerating the last word.
"The glade? What's the glade?"
"Your new home, stick with the rules and you won't die," he smiles.
"Why can't I remember anything?" I ask.
"It's normal, in a few days, you'll remember your name," he explains.
"(y/n), my name is (y/n)," I say.
"Well that was quick," he laughs. That laugh. It's familiar. "Why are you staring at me like that?" He asks snapping me back into realty.
"No reason," I blush.
"Well then, get some rest, Alby'll get you out for the tour," he stands up and heads for the door. I watch him leave. I noticed that he had a small limp.

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