A/N [EDITED 10/4/15 * 5/7/16]

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I want to write all of you a third story but I need help for the plot. Comment what you think I can do for the third book, please. I love all of you!

EDIT: how does a Newt imagine book sound? Maybe I'll do one. Mostly because I have no other ideas for a Newt x Reader au since I figured this series should be done for 'cause nothing would be really interesting if I continued this. I need help!

EDIT 5/7/16: I just published a Newt Imagine book. It'd be nice if you guys checked it out! I'll try working on an AU book for Newt and you guys; look, I swear my writing has improved. Well, I also wanted to say thanks and oh my, sorry everyone, I didn't mean to make this so sad. I didn't think ending the book this way was sad, I just– wow, I feel accomplished. Thank you!

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