Chapter 6- Newt

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Your POV:
I quietly get out of bed and head downstairs. I look around the living room until I find it. The picture frame that always made me smile. Now, it just made me depressed. I took it back up to my room and sat on the edge of my bed. I hug the frame. Tightly. It was all I had left.
I fell back onto my bed. Thinking I would be able to wake up, with Newt. His smile. Me in his arms.
I shoot up looking around.
"Hello?" I stand up and go over to the crib to make sure he's okay. "Who's there?"
The voice doesn't respond. I sigh and go back to my bed. I lay down and try to sleep.

"Who's there?!" I call. I look around to notice that I'm in a white room.
"(y/n), it's me," the voice says. A boy steps out so he's visible, "Newt."
"Newt!" I feel tears as I run up to him and hug him. He hugs back tightly. "Where am I?"
"Somewhere where we can be together," he answers pulling away. "I've missed you (y/n), I love you."
"I love you too, Newt," I say.
"How is it?" He asks.
"How's what?" I ask confused.
"The baby of course, is it a boy or a girl, what's it's name?" He asks.
"Well," I say. "It's a boy, he looks a lot like his father."
"What's his name?" He smiles. "Better not be Newt, I'm the only Newt in your life."
"It's not," I laugh. "I went back to the old WICKED building and found something."
"What was it?" He asks.
"Well, we were named after these people. The names we have now aren't our real names," I explain. "Thomas is Thomas Edison. Teresa is Mother Teresa. Alby is Albert Einstein. Chuck is Charles Darwin. You are, Issac Newton."
"Issac Newton," he repeats. "Newton, my name is Newton. who are you named after?"
"I'm named after _(insert a scientist's name similar to yours)_," I say. He smiles.
"What is our son's name?" He asks.
"Charles, named him after the kindest young boy I've loved and lost," I say talking about Chuck.
"Chuck will be glad that you named out boy after him," he says.
"He will."
"I love you (y/n)," he says. Before I was able to respond, I felt his lips against mine. I never thought that I'd be able to feel this ever again.

I opened my eyes. After looking around, I realized that it was just a dream. I sigh but then I touch my lips. It still feels as if he's kissing me. Then, that feeling goes away.
"Newt?" I ask. I already knew he was gone. It was 8am. My phone buzzed and I looked at it. What I saw, surprised me.

*New Text Messge*
From Newt
I'll see you in your dreams every night. I'll always be here for you. In your dreams.

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