Chapter 3

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Greg was the first to wake up, as he tried to stretch his aching limbs but failed. Yuta was curled around his form. Greg smiled and shifted to glance at her resting face. He lifted his palm and placed it on her cheek, softly caressing it with his thumb. He had the strong urge to ask her out. Greg's face flushed red from the thought of them at a park; Yuta in the most gorgeous dress settled on a picnic blanket, glancing at him with loving eyes. Once he returned to reality, Yuta started to wake up, slowly opening her eyes.

Yuta smiled. "Morning."

Greg's mind circuited. "...Hi."

Yuta giggled and let go of his waist. Greg rolled onto his back as he glanced at the textured ceiling.

"Are you gonna do your Cupid job?" Greg questioned.

"Most likely, unless dad didn't send a message through. If anything, I just wanna stay here with you." Yuta replied as she shifted on her back as well.

"O-Oh." Greg couldn't help the swelling feeling bubble in his chest. "Same."

Yuta was giddy, as she sat up and stretched her arms. Greg mirrored her movements, twisting his body and grabbed his glasses, placing them on the bridge of his nose. Yuta stood up from the bed and cracked her back before summoning her wings, her halo illuminating the dark room. It still takes Greg's breath away. Yuta stretched her wings before heading towards her shoulder bag, checking her tablet for any notifications. Much to her dismay, there was a Cupid job for today. She sighed and put her wings away, removing herself from the room. Greg followed suit.

"There's a job, I assume?" Greg asked, making his way towards the kitchen.


Greg opened the cupboard, to be met with nothing. "Fuck."


"We forgot to pack the food in the kitchen last night. That's annoying." Greg complained as he began to pack the dry food into the cupboards.

"Damn. I wish we could have brought the cold food with us." Yuta voiced as she grabbed Aki's staff and transformed into her work attire, whilst thinking about the one time she ate watermelon.

Greg glanced over. "You know, it'd be less obvious if you just wore casual clothes for your Cupid job, right?"

Yuta looked at herself through the mirror. "Huh, I guess you're right."

She rose the staff and transformed back into the clothes she wore before, the staff shrinking to a charm as she placed it back into her shoulder bag.

"I can come with you. I need to buy some more food." Greg informed, his grin reaching his ears.

Yuta began to bounce on her heels, a giddy smile plastered on her face. "It's a date, then!"

Greg spluttered; his voice cracked as his face blew up, he swung his palms in the air. "I-I wouldn't call it that! Ehe..."

Yuta tilted her head from the reaction but shrugged it off. "I'm gonna take a quick shower. I just realised how gross I still feel from... you know."

Greg understood immediately, he nodded to emphasise it.

Once Yuta locked the door of the bathroom and placed the clothes on the towel rack, she used all of her willpower to glance at herself in the mirror. She absolutely loathed how she looked. She could still see the many features of a man on herself – she was still surprised how she didn't notice them before – and hated god more. Why would he create her like this? She still considered if that was the reason she died, but she didn't want to dwell on that thought too much.

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