Chapter 5

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It was dark, and eerily cold. There was nothing else, just Greg. A chill went up his spine. There was a light fuzz – which irritated him a bit – but other than that, he was left annoyed.

"It's been a little while, no?" The flame spoke.

"I was here yesterday-"

"Not you." The flame interrupted, as he glanced towards the reader.

"Then who-"

"Silence." The flame's voice echoed throughout the abyss.

"Ha, get wrecked." The voice chimed in.

Greg then blinked, he wished he couldn't – he felt the building anxiety through every flutter. He tried not to, but it made everything irritable as his eyes filled with tears. After a flicker of black, the scene changed.

It was a humid night, roads damp from spitting rain. The twinkling stars amongst the dark sky covered with grey clouds, as the soft glow of red and green illuminated the streets. He already felt tears prick his eyes. There was a yellow hue that flickered through, before everything fell red. A green light flickered on, as the array of cars began to move through the intersection. Greg noticed the silver car in front of the line, as well as another car driving adjacent towards it. Greg desperately crawled towards the intersection, heaving himself onto his feet before fully sprinting towards the cars, a scream caught in his throat.

He could see his parents' faces in the car, not bothered from the pair of headlights incoming to their right. Greg cried out, hands desperately reaching out for their car. He halted in the middle of the intersection, unnoticed to the witnesses eyes. He glared at the red-light running asshole with pure hatred before he felt his entire body shiver, than drain from poisonous dread.

There the flame was, in the driver seat of the red car, with his eyes squinted mischievously. The flame didn't hold back, as he rammed the hood of the car into Greg and the side of his parent's silver SUV. Greg was launched through the passenger window as he landed in both his parent's laps, motionless. He glanced upon their faces. He was met with the corpse of his parents, their face's pale and grey. He glanced at their dull eyes, he could almost see the brink of life and death. The nooks and crannies of their faces were one of a skull, bits of grey skin clutching desperately onto its wedged parts. There was splattered blood across their faces, their gaping mouths and eye sockets dripping of it. The headlights of the red car were the only thing that made his parents look alive. Greg cried for help, screaming at the top of his lungs. Burning tears ran down his cheeks, as his jaw clicked. His mother's jaw began to shift, before it began to move.

"What's wrong?" His mother's corpse began to speak.

"Are you not happy to see us?" His father's corpse spoke as well.

Their voices were drastically raspy, as their throats were rotten and clogged with dried blood.

"Greg." A voice sung in the background, muffled from Greg's pitched screeches.

"I thought you were better than this." His mother spoke again, as the flame began to approach the car.

Greg continued to scream. He didn't want to see his parents like this. His parents suddenly crumbled, covering Greg within their ashes. He tried to brush it off him, but it sunk into his pores instead. He scratched deeply into his skin; desperation prominent on his face.

"Greg!" A voice sung again, more prominent than last time. Greg thought it was just the voice pulling it's tricks.

His body then shook slightly. It started with his shoulders, then trailed to his waist, then to his arms and legs. There was a sudden ring of golden light, as pure white wings stretched and wrapped around Greg's being. There she was. Yuta appeared in between her wings; her face distressed as her arms were on his shoulders.

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