Chapter 8

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Greg was still awake when Yuta began to stir. Once she rubbed her eyes, she placed her attention towards Greg.

"Morning." Greg spoke softly.

"Mornin'." Yuta began. "How long have you been awake?"

Greg hummed, as he thought of a lie. "An hour or so."

Yuta didn't buy it. She placed her forehead onto Greg's right shoulder, as she sagged against him. Greg smiled and placed the side of his head on top of Yuta's. Yuta spoke up after a couple of minutes.

"Are you okay?"

Greg's eyebrows scrunched. "What do you mean?"

"I've woken up a lot from you screaming in your sleep, sometimes saying really disturbing shit. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, okay?"

"Thanks, but they're just nightmares."

"That often?"

"I guess so. Some aren't as disturbing or scary as others, but yeah." Greg's voice wavered.

It was evident Greg was uncomfortable, he hadn't even mentioned what his nightmares were about. Yuta decided to change the topic after a minute of silence.

"I think I'm ready to transition."

"Already?" Greg choked, before correcting his response. "Sorry, but from your conversation with your dad I expected you to wait longer. I'm happy! I can help if you want?"

Yuta smiled. "That'd be great, thanks."

The pair scrambled out the bed together. The blanket awkwardly twisted around Greg's ankle, as he tripped over it. Yuta swiftly caught him in her arms, their bodies in close proximity. The pair flushed as Yuta dropped him hastily, Greg hissed from his shoulder connecting with the ground. Yuta shuffled towards the living room as Greg was left to his demise, both their faces tomato red. Greg got off the ground and found Yuta sitting at the dinner table, poking at the phone. Greg chuckled as he unplugged the charger and glanced as it turned on. He quickly set up the phone before he was met with the home screen.

"There we go, it's all set up now!" Greg cheered. "Now we gotta figure out how to get your contact."

Yuta grabbed her tablet and held it next to Greg, as she clicked on her contact information. Greg typed in the number and texted her, his message successfully sent through her tablet. The pair cheered, as Yuta suddenly grabbed Greg's shoulder. Greg yelped as the tablet was shoved in his face, a clicking sound filtered the room. Yuta then viewed the photo, as she gestured the screen towards Greg.

"You took a photo? Why didn't you tell me?" Greg joked, as he squinted towards the screen. "I look ugly... and strangely inhumane."

"Want to take another one?-" Yuta asked but was caught off guard when Greg took a photo of them on his phone.

Greg showed her the picture out of spite.

"You took a photo?" Yuta mocked, her voice intentionally pitched. "I look ugly and inhumane."

"Dumbass." Greg smiled, as he set the photo as his lock screen.

Yuta questioned how he did it, then figured out she could do it as well. She had set her home screen with herself and Greg and her lock screen with herself and Aki. She glanced longingly towards Aki, before turning her tablet off. She wiped her tears away as Greg threw a blind eye.

"Now that's done," Greg began, turning his head towards Yuta. "You ready for that transition?"

Yuta's breath hitched, as she nodded. "Yes."

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