Chapter 12

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Yuta stirred in her sleep; her eyes slowly peeled back. She stretched her back after it screamed in agony, sighing from the satisfied cackles. Yuta rolled her head around as she glanced towards the clock. She heard the shower running – she swore she could hear slight grunts echoing from it. After a couple of minutes lounging in bed, she swung her legs over the bed and made her way towards the kitchen.

Once she made her toast and was spreading Vegemite on the surface, Greg emerged from the bathroom. Yuta quickly picked up on Greg's weird mannerisms. His face seemed to be more flushed than usual, as he deliberately avoided eye contact upon realising Yuta was up and about. He seemed to fiddle with the bottom of his shirt more, as he pulled it down. His hair seemed to reflect one of a bird nest, which was odd since it was always a fluffy mess.

"Morning Greg."

Greg didn't respond at first, but since Yuta didn't tear her gaze from him, he replied. "Hey. Gonna get some fresh air for a bit."

Yuta wanted to question him but decided not to. People have their off days sometimes. "...Alright then, have fun."

Greg grabbed the key card, his phone and Yuta's credit card and left the building. Once he felt the fresh breeze ruffle his hair, he scrubbed his face with his palms.

"God, I'm so gross."

"You're telling me." The voice replied. "I had to witness that shit! Against my own will, by the way."

Greg frowned.

"I get it, you have your desires you need to tend to-"

Greg coughed to cut him off. 'Let's just go to the shops to keep our mind off things.'

"Easy for you to say. I'm gonna be fuckin' traumatised for the rest of my life, and I'm not even alive! You've got some skill to do that to some mist."

Greg scoffed. 'I keep forgetting you don't exist, your mannerisms seem to give you life.'

The voice tried to hide how flattered it was through its reply. "You're a dickhead, you know that?"

"Oh my god, shut up..." Greg slipped almost excitedly; his voice slightly pitched. "They do not have a bookstore here!"

"Seems like they do. What, gonna wank to this too?" The voice teased.

Greg ignored the voice as he entered the store. How'd he not notice this building filled with small shops? It was only a walks distance from the motel. He took in the shelves of books, as he ran his palm along a row. God, he missed the smell of bounded books. He glanced towards the signs and made his way to the fictional section. He had a look through many books, but there was one that stuck out. It was called 'A Trip To Die For'.

The book seemed to be about an apocalyptic world set in 2080. Climate change had completely fucked the human race from inhabiting Earth at all. People were forced to wear gas masks in order to live, but even then it wasn't enough. After 30 years of planning for the inevitable, Scientists collected enough resources as well as over 3000 spaceships to depart people to Mars to create a new civilisation. The story follows a couple who try and board one of the last ships departing in Australia.

As he read over the description, Greg wanted to know more about this world. He held it in his arms as he strolled around the store more.

"Fuck, can we go now? You've been in here for almost half an hour."

Greg ignored the voice as he glanced towards the tote bags. There was one bag that stood out from the rest. It had an image of a frog, with text that read: 'MILF: Man, I Love Frogs'. Greg thought it was funny, he brought it with him to the front counter.

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