Chapter 3 - A mysterious phone call

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"Now, that we have finished the tour, I need to ask; do you still want to go to school here, Hope?" Lily asks pulling out her laptop and looking into the eyes of the 16-year-old in front of her.

"'Will she be excepted by your school' is the question you should be asking," Hayley said, with venom dripping from her voice as she interrupted her daughter from speaking. Lily was about to reply when Stephanie answered.

"This school is the most inclusive, supernatural school in the continent. We have witches, werewolves, vampires, and everything in between. You could send your daughter to another school, but this is the only school that let's all three part of her attend," Stephanie said calmly, making Hayley madder. Steph smiled at her mother, nodding her head to continue.

"She is correct. This school is the only school that has all supernatural creatures," Lily assures them with a warm smile, which Klaus returns before speaking.

"What did she mean when she said, 'and everything in between'?" Klaus asked Lily, which she replies, "Not only do we have witches, werewolves, and vampires, we also have siphons, hybrids, heretics, phoenix, ...and tribrids."

Lily was cautious when saying 'tribrids', for she knows that the only tribrids that they were aware of was Hope.

"They're more people like me?" Hope says with hopeful smile, which Lily smiles and nods at her question. She so relieved that she isn't the only one of her kind.

"How is that possible?" Klaus and Hayley say at the same time, with different tones. Klaus was shocked, while Hayley was jealous. She thought she was the only person to have a one-of-a-kind daughter.

"How is anything possible?" Stephanie asked, rhetorically, before continuing, "There's two tribrids at our school. I believe there similar to your age, Hope." Lily glares at Stephanie when she says this because Hope becomes even more excited.

"Oh my god. I would love to join ¾if that's still okay with you," Hope says, avoiding Hayley's glare.

"Of course. You're parents will need to fill out some standard paperwork like emergency release and stuff like that. You will need to pick your electives; I can help with that if you'd like," she says to Hope

"I'd love that because I don't know what an elective is," Hope says shyly.

"That's alright. An elective is a course that you can chose. For example, Stephanie chose to take spell casting language arts. In that class, she learns some of the languages that are used when incanting spells," Lily explains, and Hope nods in understanding.

"Now, we need some general information for our records. But before we start that, Stephanie, can you grab the orb," Lily says to her daughter, who leaves her seat beside her mother to grab the truth orb from Alaric's desk.

"What's 'the orb'?" Hayley asks bitterly.

"The truth orb or truth sphere- which ever way you'd like to call it, lets me know if you're telling the truth. For example, Hope, say something true about you," Lily says while Stephanie comes back with the sphere handing it to her mother before sitting down where she previously was.

"I am in Mystic Falls," she said, and the orb tuned blue. Hope smiled at the Lily who was holding the orb.

"Now say a lie," Lily instructed Hope.

"I hate your school," Hope replied, and the orb turned red.

"See, the orb turns blue when you tell the truth and when you lie, it turns red. Every time we have a new student, we have protocols in place to insure we have the correct information in our files," Lily explains, and the three guests nod in understanding.

"Can I have your full name and birth date?" Lily asks Hope, while looking at her screen, read to write the information in her laptop.

"Um, yeah. It's Hope Lilian Mikaelson. And my birthday is May 2, 2012," Hope said, saying her middle name a little quieter, not knowing how she'd react with it. Lily types it our in a form but stops once she hears Hope saying her name as a middle name. She looks up and smiles at Hope.

"One of my daughter's has Lilian as a middle name," Lily said before her eyes go back to her screen, continuing to type the information said.

"Really? That's so cool. Um, would I be able to meet the other people like me today?" Hope asks, referring to the other tribrids.

"Two of them aren't on school grounds at the moment, but I can talk to them and see if they're available. They do have a busy schedule since their taking three times the amount of classes a regular student has, including their honors classes," Lily said. She knew Henrick and Diana wouldn't be too keen on hanging out with their half-sister, but she's still family. Stephanie and Lily both tribrids too, but their werewolf curses are bound. Stephanie's since she was born and Lily since after her first borns were born.

"That's okay. I'm just glad I'm not the only one of my kind," Hope says, and the orb glows blue, meaning she's telling the truth.

"Well, one that note, I will see you Hope tomorrow to give you your schedule and-," Lily says, but gets interrupted by her desk phone ringing. She stops mid-sentence to pick it up.

"Hello?" She answers into the phone.

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