Chapter 10 - Greatest mistake

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Opening the door would be her greatest mistake.

"Stop yelling!" Diana yelled, trying to pull her siblings apart, trying to keep them from fighting. Harper was trying to pull Stephanie away but she wasn't budging. Landon was trying to help his girlfriend but he wasn't much use in this situation.

Opening the door would be her greatest mistake.

"Well at least my dad didn't know I existed before leaving. Your dad left after you were born." Henrick said, causing all the people that just arrived to freeze. Lily felt paralyzed; she couldn't do anything.

Opening the door would be her greatest mistake. Opening the door would be her greatest mistake.

"Are you an idiot, Henrick? He protected me and Mom. And at least my dad cared enough to not cheat on mom!" Stephanie yelled out of anger. Everyone got silent.

Opening the door is her greatest mistake.

Oh no... Lily thought.

Stephanie and Henrick just realized the door was open, and both turned to see Klaus and Elijah confused, their mother in shock, and Hope startled by the yelling.

Opening the door is her greatest mistake.

"Mom... We're so sorry." Henrick spoke quietly. Almost everyone knew who they were talking about, except for Hope and the two Original brothers.

Mom? She's their mother, Elijah thought, trying to understand everything.

"Don't say another word. It's okay." Lily whispered, going to hug them both at the same time, hoping that Elijah wouldn't put two-and-two together.

Elijah's thoughts were piecing everything together slowly. —The oldest are around Hope's age; His name is Henrick, not Henry, like my youngest brother; Lily is their mother; They are Tribrids too... like Hope; Around the time Hope was conceived, Lily and Klaus were together; Henrick said their dad didn't know they existed...

Everything clicked in Elijah's head. He wouldn't speak his mind until he was certain.

"When's their birthday?" Elijah said out loud, looking at the back of Lily's head—she's facing away from the door.

Lily winced at his question, knowing he knew. She only hoped he wouldn't say anything, but it was most likely.

Opening the door is her greatest mistake.

"Elijah, stop." Lily pleaded, letting go of her kid's before turning to face him. Her pleading facial expression towards Elijah didn't go unnoticed by Klaus.

What was Elijah going on about? Klaus thought.

"When is their birthday?" Elijah repeated slowly, giving Lily a look that said, 'I know'.

"Who's birthday- Actually, why is that relevant? Shouldn't we be dealing with this issue and then moving on to the planned meeting?" it was Klaus' turn to speak. Elijah and Lily kept staring at each other.

"Are you going to tell me their birthday?" Elijah asked Lily, who had tear streaks on her face. Klaus felt really out of place and confused.

Why was Elijah so concerned about a birthday? Klaus thought.

Lily looked at Diana, slightly nodding to the door in hopes of getting all the students out, but Diana shook her head, standing her ground. With a sigh falling from Lily's lips, she turned her head back so she facing Elijah.

"Fine! April 17, 2013! Happy?!" Lily yelled, and the whole room went silent once more.

Opening the door became her greatest mistake.

Elijah knew, there was no doubt about it, but would he say anything to Klaus. Lily wasn't sure but she looked at him pleadingly, hoping that he could just hear her out later.

Luckily, the door to Lily's office busted open before anyone could comment or react.

It was Caroline. Thank goodness! Lily thought happily. She was very relieved for her adoptive sister in that moment.

"I brought lunch!" Caroline said, as her nieces and nephew ran to give her a hug. Harper and Landon gave her a hug to after their little family group hug.

"Thank you, Auntie Care," all her nieces and nephew said happily. 

You're all so welcome! I've been going all over the place. Did you know they closed that place we used to go to as kids? The one next to the Grill? I was so so pissed! I am so pissed! Anyway, how's it going," Caroline rambles, her happy, chipper mood still evident after all these years.

"Great! Um.. I was thinking of letting all the kids eat together while the adults have a... conversation," Lily said, giving Caroline the look. Caroline knew exactly what was going on and her mood turned serious. She nodded, walking out of the room to call Alaric  who was in the gym.

"Why do we need to have a separate meeting than the students? I was under the impression that when Elijah invited me last minute, we would be having a conversation together," Klaus said, with a questioning look towards Lily.

"We will, but first, we need to talk about some boring technical stuff that I left out during Hope's enrollment and interview." Lily lied smoothly for once. "While we're discussing that, Hope can get to know the students like her."

Before anyone could reply, Lily's office phone rang. She sighed before walking over to her desk, and standing in front of the phone. She paused, putting a smile on her face before reaching for the phone's handle and putting the phone beside her ear. Everybody was still in the room and was listening in on who she was speaking to.

"Salvatore School, how may I help you?" She spoke, her tone polite yet her smile was obviously fake. Klaus realized that it had been the smile she'd used when she first saw them in almost seventeen years.

"Hello? Is this Lily Salvatore?" The man on the other end asked, his voice was familiar to Lily but she couldn't point it out. She looked at Caroline with a confused expression, curious as to who this familiar voice belonged to. Caroline shrugged, but was also equally curious.

"Yes, this is she. May I ask for your name?" Lily asked, before Caroline gasped, remembering who that voice belonged to. Lily looked at Caroline who had a very worried facial expression.

"Hang up the phone!" Caroline whisper-yelled at her younger sister, but it was too late because before Lily could think, the man in the phone answered.

"This is your favorite Heretic, babe." He revealed, causing Lily to go wide-eyed and look at her sister, who mirrored her facial expression. In a second, Lily hung up the phone, and stepped away from her desk, as if she was now afraid of her work phone. 

She looked to all of her children, who knew exactly who was on the phone. No one said a peep. Not even Hope asking who that was, because like her father and uncle, she was clearly out of the loop.

As the room's silence started to make Klaus anxious, he asked, "Who was on the phone?" 

Lily looked at him, her eyes almost tearing up from how scared she was. But before she could reply, the phone rang for the second time. Lily looked at the phone, then at her kids, then at Caroline. She wiped away a tear that was almost falling from her eye and went to pick up her phone, a determined look plastered on her face to hide her fear.

Lily spoke confidently into the phone, saying, "What do you want, Kai Parker?" 

Author's Note
Another cliffhanger. I'm so sorry (not really). I finally posted after a month and a half. Phew. School started to I've been too busy to write. Plus, I've been working on other books.

I'm gonna write a Stiles Stilinski Fanfic. Would you read?

Until next update!


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