Chapter 11 - Kai Parker and Katherine Pierce

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"What do you want Kai Parker?" Lily said into the phone, confirming her sister and children's suspicion.

"Is that how you speak to me? After all these years?" Kai faked sadness, making Lily's blood boil.

"How can you call me from the prison world? Actually, how aren't you dead?" Lily gritted her teeth as she spoke to him, her hatred for Kai evident. It is much more than her hearted for Klaus, but it's mainly because Klaus never tried to kill her children.

"I am. Aren't you too? I mean, you are a vampire, Li," Kai said, using the joke as a way to deflect from her questions.

"We put you in the prison world, Kai? How could you get out?" Lily urged, hoping to get an answer. She hadn't seen Kai since Stefan was still alive.

"Oh, he had plenty of help," a new voice, once again familiar, responded this time. Lily stiffened, knowing exactly who that voice belonged to. She could tell that voice anywhere. This voice belongs to the only other person she despised. The person who thought as Lily as her competition for Stefan's love.

"Katherine." Lily seethed, trying to keep her cool all while wondering how Katherine is alive. Lily's husband made sure that Katherine died in hellfire and staked through the heart.

Or did she.

"My, my, my. The little flower is all grown up. Five kids with three different men? That's low, even for you." Katherine taunted, causing Lily to grow angry. She immediately knew what Katherine was trying to do. Somehow, Katherine knew Klaus was in the same room as her and listening in like every other vampire. Lily quickly muted the phone so Katherine and Kai couldn't hear what she was about the say.

"Everyone, out! Care, get Alaric and tell him what's going on. Stephanie and Harper, bring everyone inside and to the designated emergency . Everything is cancelled. We are on lockdown. No one leaves until I say so," Lily explains quickly, looking at Caroline, Stephanie, and Harper. They both nod and left quickly.

"Elijah, get your family here now. I need some powerful Mikaelson witches and vamps. Nik, watch Hope and the others and bring them to the Hall. Diana will show you if you need help getting there," Lily added, not realizing she said 'Nik' instead of 'Klaus,' but at the moment, she didn't care.

Nik did, of course, but he didn't say anything. Alternately, he took all the kids, and headed to the Hall.

Lily was left in the room by herself. She unmuted the phone and began speaking.

"Look, Katherine. I don't know how you're alive, but I will find you. And kill you. Slowly and painfully. And make sure you stay dead this time." Lily threatened, causing the line to go silent before Katherine's chuckle was heard on the phone.

"Aww. Did I upset the little flower get upset." Katherine laughed, before turning serious, "You're pathetic. Just like when you thought you deserved Stefan when you didn't. He was mine, and you took him. So he payed the price with his life years ago His death was your fault, Lily."

Katherine's words sunk inside Lily. She was subconsciously hoping that since Katherine was alive, Stefan might be too. But Katherine just confirmed that her newly wed husband just died for nothing.

"You're wrong, it was yours. And this time, you'll pay with your life," and with that, Lily hung up the phone.

Silence spread through her office. It was so quiet that if anyone was in Lily's office, they could hear her thoughts.

After a long moment with Lily trying to keep her composure, she dropped to her knees, mourning her dead husband. Her knowing that his death was unnecessary and could have been avoided.

Her cries died down as she remembered she was responsible for so many supernatural kids and students that could be in danger at any moment, more than ever now since Kai and Katherine were both alive and lurking near Mystic Falls. 

She had to stay strong, because she was Lily Forbes-Salvatore. 

And she won't go down without a fight.

Author's Note

Look, this technically didn't end in a cliffhanger, which is improvement.  I know this chapter is small but I wanted to finish this chapter as quick as possible so I could post something. I've been really busy with school work so I haven't had much time to work on this.

By the way, this book got 8.6k reads! Thank you all for reading this book. I really appreciate this. I wasn't expecting this many overall reads but I'm very grateful.  I'll try to post another chapter before Halloween (October 31st) but no promises. I also have other book that I'm working on, so let me know if you're interested. 

I'm writing a stiles stilinski Fanfic at the moment. It's unpublished but I'll post it when I finish the first act (season 1). I'm also writing a Barry Allen Fanfic (cause there aren't as many as I expect there to be.)

Hope you like this book so far! Please vote and comment to help with my motivation!

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