Chapter 12 - Wait and See

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At the moment, the Mikaelson's, Lily and her children (excluding the Siphon twins), were in her office, minus Klaus and Alaric who were at the hall monitoring and looking after the other students. Everyone was trying to figure out what Katherine and Kai were up to. What was their endgame.

"So, who is this man who calls himself 'Kai Parker', anyway?" Freya asked Lily, confused on who he was. She'd never heard of him.

"He is a dangerous man that escaped a prison world that was designed to keep him inside. He killed Lizzie and Josie's biological mother, which was his twin sister on her wedding day—plus killing their whole coven." Lily answered in one breath. The room was silent for a hot minute.

"He also was really obsessed with Mom," Stephanie muttered, forgetting she said it in a room full of vampires. Everyone looked at her with a confused expression, making her realize she said.

"That's not important," Lily dismissed, trying to focus on the task at hand. "We need to figure out what's his and Katherine's endgame. I know both of those wicked beings, so I know that they like to be four steps ahead of everyone. And we need to be twelve steps ahead of them."

"And how do you suppose we do that?" Elijah asked as he adjusted his suit.

"We need to go back to the prison world to see how Kai got out," Lily answered, walking towards her book shelf. She grabbed a old looking book and brought it to the table.

When she opened it, there was a cut out hole from what was left if the pages, hiding a weird looking contraption.

"This is called an ascendant. It is like the door to the prison world that he was trapped in. We need a Bennet witches' blood to enter because the family helped create it," Lily explained, and Diana, Henrick, and Stephanie nodded in understanding.

The Mikaelson's, on the other hand, where still a little confused. "So, to figure out how this heretic got out..." Rebekah asked from beside Marcel, dragging out her question to let Lily continue her sentence.

"-we have to wait for Bonnie." Lily continued. "She's the only witch from her bloodline that's experienced enough with the ascendant and Kai to help us."

"Wait," Elijah spoke. "There's more Bennett witches than Bonnie? I thought she was the last one, after what my Niklaus did to her mother."

Lily nodded in understanding. She still remembers what Klaus did to the late Abby Bennett Wilson, and all the things he did to hurt, torture, and blackmail Bonnie.

And yet they were both better off than most.

"Bonnie got married and she now has a child of her own," Lily explains, "If I we have to bring Bonnie back to Mystic Falls, I need to make sure that none of you hurt her, her family, or anyone else that isn't our enemy." Lily knew what the Mikaelsons were capable of. She knew how they can be vengeful, and wanted to avoid a future fight.

"You have my word, Lily."

"What about Nik? You can't promise for him. He can be... unpredictable," Lily protested.

"None of us would jeopardize Hope's place at this school or the Mikaelson's place in Mystic Falls. Especially our bother," Rebekah replied, agreeing with what Elijah previously promised.

"Wonderful," Lily smiled lightly before adding, "I need to make the calls; you guys can get a bite from the cafeteria. And just so you know, there's no drinking from the vein here for vampires." Everyone snicked and laughed quietly and her small vampire joke.

Finally, everyone nodded in agreement as they began to take notice of their hunger. Human or not. They filtered out of her office, heading to the cafeteria while she made her phone calls.

The blonde heretic made her way to her desk, picked up her phone, and scrolled through the list of contacts until she found Bonnie and clicked on her profile.

She called Bonnie, and explained the situation with her and Enzo. After some heaving convincing and negotiating, she managed to convince them to come. Making sure it was clear that no one  would her any of their family was definitely hard to promise. Especially after Lily told them that the Mikaelson's were in Mystic Falls. 

Then, Lily was thinking after the call ended that she needed to bring the rest of the gang back to Mystic Falls. It would be easier to plan and fight with more people that have dealt with both immortals; Kai and Katherine.

Lily called Elena next. She and Damon lived in New York with their small family, so they weren't traveling as far as Bonnie and Enzo. When The blonde heretic explained everything to Elena and Damon, they immediately worried for the safety of both sets of Lily's twins. Elena quickly promised that they come to help, and kept her word even after Lily could hear the protest from Damon on her side of the call.

So, Lily already got Bonnie and Enzo; Elena and Damon; Caroline and Tyler, who were already here, and they said they weren't leaving; Jeremy still lived in Town with his wife Nora, and Alaric was planning on talking to them; the last person she needed to call was Amelia.

Amelia Martin, Lily's biological mother.

Author's Note

I may have ended it on another cliff hanger, but I finally was about to get my plot in order. It took forever to figure out how I want this book to end (it's not ending yet btw) and I think I'm on the way to accomplishing that.

Also, for Lily's character, I promised that her mother would be introduced sometime in the book. Well, that's next chapter, so stay tuned.

I have a TikTok account (same user as my Wattpad: bughead__vamp) so go check that out. I edit characters from my fav tv show, and stuff for my fanfic. Let me know if I should get another account for just editing my books.

Speaking of my books, go check out my other book, it's called 'Blues eyes meet brown.' It's a Steve Harrington Fanfic with a Danielle Rose Russell fc. I'm also writing a Barry Allen Fanfic but I won't be publishing the chapters until the beginning of 2023. But, if people are interested, the preview for the book, including the fc are already publish so take a look! I would really appreciate it! 


Finally, don't be a silent reader! Tell me your opinions in the comments! I want to know what you think or what I can improve in this book. So, don't be shy!

Hope you all have a Happy Holiday!!!

Until the next update!


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