Chapter 4 - Leaving for a mission

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"Hello?" Lily answered into the phone.

"Ms. S, there's a new werewolf in Atlanta. Their name is Rafael Waithe. Just wanted to tell you," The person on the other side of the phone responded.

"Thank you MG. I'll have to get going then... yes. Bye," Lily ended the call and looked at her daughter beside her.

"There's a new werewolf that we need to pay a visit to. Care to join?" Lily says with a smirk. Stephanie nods.

"Well, I hate to end the meeting, but I have an emergency I need to attend to," Lily explains while grabbing things around the room. She pulls on a book on a shelf on Ric's side of the room and a secret room appears. The room has lots of vampire weapons.

"What are those for?" Klaus asked. Lily completely forgot they were still in her shared office.

"I have some business to attend to, so I won't be back until tomorrow. Stephanie, can you please get Henri-your older siblings. They should be at home by now with your Aunt Caroline and Uncle Tyler. Tell them we have a werewolf situation in Atlanta if they want to join," Lily says while packing her bag full of weapons. She didn't want to say Henrick's name for obvious reasons, so she said 'his siblings'. Stephanie caught on and nodded.

"Sure. Can I come too?" Stephanie asked.

"Yes. Go pack."

"Ok, I'll let them know," Stephanie said before incanting a spell that made her disappeared. Hope was shocked.

"Where did she go? She just disappeared," Hope exclaimed with her eyes wide.

"Stephanie is a witch. She did a teleportation spell to get her older siblings," Lily explained while her attention was focused on packing for the mission.

"Oh, right. Lizzie and Josie," Hope guessed.

"No. Stephanie is older than Lizzie and Josie. I mean her other siblings," Lily corrected vaguely, still not paying attention to the three guests.

"Wait. How many children do you have?" Klaus asks, making Lily stops what she's doing, and turn to look at him with a guilty face.

"Five," Lily mumbles, hoping he didn't hear her. But she knows he has supernatural hearing, so of course he heard.

"Five?! How old are the other two?" Klaus is shocked. He never knew Lily had children, never mind five.

"Not important. You can let yourself out now. Mutata vestis," Lily muttered, and her outfit changed. Before, she was wearing her business-work attire, and now, she's wearing her mission clothes.

They eventually leave when Klaus senses that Lily won't be paying any more attention to them as she is busy getting ready for something he doesn't understand. When he reaches the lobby, he sees the rest of his family, sitting with Lizzie and Josie. They all stand up when Klaus is in eyesight. Josie is the first to speak up, since she's the first to realize that her mother isn't with them.

"Where's our mother?" Josie asks, looking at Klaus. Her tone wasn't bitter or mean, it was one of general curiosity.

"She's in her office, busy... packing?" Klaus said confused. Josie and Lizzie look at each other, guessing why their mother is 'packing' as he put it. The both look back at the same time and Lizzie answers.

"She's not packing for just anything, she's packing for a mission. There's either a new vampire, newly transitioned wolf, or someone used magic for the first time, unknowingly," Lizzie explained, casually. Klaus looked at the two girls, confused, as did the rest of the Mikaelsons.

"Right... That actually makes sense because she got a call from someone named... MG? And then your other sister teleported to go find your other siblings. I believe the call was about a werewolf?" Klaus says, thinking out loud.

"Hmm... Quick question, which sister? We have more than one," Lizzie said, a bit bitterly. Even though she was being bitter, she was nervous for her answer. The Gemini twins know that their old twin siblings would take the news about their father all too well.

"Stephanie. Why?" Klaus asks.

"Because we have 3 other siblings that aren't in this room-didn't our mom already tell you this?" Lizzie replied like it's the most known fact in the world.

"Yes. I was just curious," he stated, while Lizzie rolled her eyes. Klaus noticed her eye roll and decided to ask a question. "Did we do something wrong?"

"Yeah, you all abandoned our mother for this Trollip—" Lizzie said, gesturing to Hayley. Hayley got so mad, she tried to charge at the twins. Klaus and Elijah had to hold her back, while Hayley got so close to Lizzie before being pulled away, Lizzie didn't flinch. She just continued talking like she didn't get threatened by Hayley.

"—who can't even control her temper. Not to mention cheating, which I thought—since you were a thousand-year-old vampire—you would comprehend that term. You're obviously not as smart as someone who lived a thousand years. And you must me so horny if you have to cheat on your at-the-time girlfriend when she was busy, and with the girl who almost broke up my Aunt Caroline and Uncle Tyler—her sister and her sister's boyfriend, who are now stronger than ever by the way," Lizzie said, with a smirk at the end of her rant. Klaus was shocked.

"You knew about that?" he asked, and Lizzie laughed coldly before answering.

"The whole school knows. Stefan wrote about it in his journals. They most of the town history so for one of the history projects, we are able to chose one to write about. There's a lot of stories about you. Not good ones I might add. And-" Lizzie continued talking but the Mikaelson family didn't want to keep listening, so they left. Klaus and Elijah dragged Hayley out to the car, so that she wouldn't go back in a snap those girls necks.

Lizzie smiled at her sister triumphally and walked to their mom's office together seeing at three of their siblings with their mother, about the leave.

"Why can't we go?" Lizzie says, annoyed.

"Because you need to stay with Ric. You know it's hard on him when you girls go on missions with me, plus you need to give the tour to the new student," Lily says, with a smirk as the Lily, Stephanie, and the older twins, walk out to the van and leave for the trip.

As the van is staring up, Lizzie and Josie wave goodbye to them, but once they leave, Josie asks without taking her eyes off the car. "Do you think she'll tell them about their father situation?"

"Probably. I'm just glad we're not a part of that conversation," Lizzie comments and Josie hits her arm, indicating that Lizzie went to far.

What they didn't know, if that Elijah was standing behind them, listening in on their conversation.

Author's Note

I hope you like cliffhangers. Because I finished this chapter like that. 

I have some questions that I would like my readers to answer:

-Would you like me to update long chapters with slow updates or short chapters with quick updates?

- Would you like flashbacks about what has happened in the past?

Let me know. :)

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