Chapter 8 - Conversations and Phone Calls

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A little while after Elijah left, Stephanie finished her exam with Kaleb, Harper, MG, Lizzie, Josie and Jade, and decided to go see her mom. With some very important news.

When arriving in front of her door, she could see her mother working on her computer very focused. So she knocked on the opened door, which made Lily's eyes shoot up from her computer to her youngest daughter standing at the door.

"Hey Mom. How are you?" Stephanie asks, wearing an infectious smile on her face.

"I'm good, Steph. What about you?" Lily replies, tidying up her desk while Stephanie walks in more.

"I'm great. Just aced another test. I was wondering if we could talk." Stephanie said, feeling kind of shy talking about her and her mother's secret.

"What would you like to talk about, my dear." was Lily's reply as she gave her daughter her full attention.

"I was wondering if I could trigger my curse on my birthday. I already know how the ritual works. I read about Klaus' and saw an old memory in the journal Dad gave me. I'm ready." Stephanie admitted, causing her mother to go pale and nod, processing the information.

When she got the courage to speak, her whole reply was "Why?"

"What do you mean?" Stephanie asked.

"Why do you want to trigger your werewolf gene. You already heal with the vampire blood in your system, courtesy of both your father and I, you can do magic; your the descendant of an old and powerful witch that became one of the firsts immortals. The ritual is more complicated than Klaus'. And I bounded my curse and the curse on my next children, which happened to be yourself, and being a werewolf is painful—especially when shifting." Lily rambled, then being cut off by her daughter.

"I know, but I want this. I want to be like Henrick and Diana; being able to turn whenever I want. I want to be able to have the choice to turn." Izzie said, in a determined way.

"The situation is different from Klaus'. Which means the ritual won't be the same, it will be worse. I know the pain you go through every day, I feel it too, but if you trigger your curse, there will be a price that will be paid." Lily said, looking down at her desk.

Stephanie was really upset with the answers given, so she got up and walked towards the door to leave. As she was leaving though, her mother spoke once more. "Stephanie, would you mind coming to my office at lunch, I want to organize a lunch meet with all the Tribrids and I know you don't like me telling people so I won't tell her." Lily started, causing her daughter to stop in her tracks, and look at Lily. "But she really has felt left out all her life, so she's really excited to meet you all. Please. It will only be for a ten minutes, because I know you have band rehearsals."

Stephanie thought about it for a moment. She knew Hope has had a lonely life, she honestly pitied the girl as so many people have tried to kill her while her siblings have been protected with a spell. Before she could change her mind, she said, "Fine. I'll come to the lunch, but I won't be late to rehearsals again. And you know Diana doesn't like going anywhere without Landon so I'm bringing Harper."

"That's alright. Please be nice when you meet her, okay?." Lily replied, hoping this meet will go as planned.

"Okay. I'll go tell Harper about lunch." Stephanie said, running out of the room with a smile on her face.

As much as Lily wasn't happy about the beginning of the conversation—which knowing her daughter, said conversation wasn't over, she was glad Stephanie left her office happy and excited about the lunch.
Even though, that wasn't what she was really happy about.

Lily decided to call Elijah to let him know the meeting was happening.

Picking up her work cell phone, she dialed his number and waited patiently for him to answer.

The call went through but the voice on the other end was not the one she was expecting.

"Hello?" Klaus' voice spoke through the phone. Lily was speechless.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" He spoke again, this time with a little more irritation evident in his voice. Lily gathered whatever courage she could muster to speak.

"Klaus? Isn't this Elijah's phone? Where is he?" She asked and now it was Klaus' turn to be speechless. He was curious as to why his ex-fiancé was calling his brother.

"What do you need Elijah for? Is something wrong, love?" He asked, concern laced with his voice.

"Nothing is wrong. Elijah asked me to  call him when I set up a meet and greet with the other Tribrids because he wanted to meet them aswell. Can you please let me know where he is?"  She explained, before hearing some whispers on the other end. Of course with vampire hearing, she could hear easily what they were saying.

"Elijah, you set up a meet with the other Tribrids qnd Hope without my knowledge?" Klaus whispered.

"Yes. I wanted her and myself to meet them. I'm sure Lily wouldn't mind if you tag along to meet them." Elijah replied.

"Fine." Klaus caved, as he gave the phone to Elijah.

"Lily?" Elijah spoke into the phone.

"Yes, Elijah?" She answered.

"You wouldn't mind if Klaus joins the meeting, correct?" Elijah asked, and she could practically see his smirk.

"That would be correct. Lunch at 12:30, my office. Be on time please. Bye now." Lily said before she hung up the phone quickly.

She never planned for Klaus to come to the meeting. Now there was only one question burning in her brain.

How would Henrick and Diana react to seeing their biological father?

Author's Note

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I hope the cliffhangers aren't too annoying because I do them every chapter lol. By the way, I have posted a Steve Harrington fanfic with Danielle Rose Russell as the Face claim. I've been working more that because I want to.

I'll try to update soon but in the meantime please vote and comment to motivate me to write please.


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