27. Dante's Disputes

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It was aggravatingly silent as we travelled along the path to Avalon Harbour. I was still angry at Dante for what he said. I didn't know how he came to know about what my father did, but all in all, he still shouldn't have tried to get involved in my personal life. This was a trip to achieve one thing. To find our loved ones and leave. This wasn't a chance to 'get to know each other. This was a business trip. That was all it was.

"Arlene, I..."

"Less talk, more travel," I quickly interrupted.


"Look, I'm so sorry I lashed out, please-"

"No, no. I don't want to talk to you right now. This isn't a bonding trip, I am here for Alistair," I dismissed. "Only Alistair," I emphasised.

He turned back around and faced the path ahead.

As we entered the village, I turned my attention to the scenery. I noticed how peaceful and quaint it was. This, however, was nothing like Mournstead, which had been swallowed by the Mages' and Templars' feuding. It wasn't much anymore. Just a landscape of flat land and some trees here and there- a wasteland. It was more like a small battlefield filled with dilapidated and derelict buildings and abandoned farmlands. It was sad to remember what my people and the Templars had done to my 'once home' and had neglected it to nothingness. Avalon Harbour reminded me of what Mournstead used to be, where everyone worked together and lived in tranquillity. What a charming town Avalon Harbour was!

We tied both horses' reins to a hitching post next to the first stable we could see. I stroked Onyx's muzzle as a farewell and teared up a little as I fed him the last sugar cube. Dante noticed a tear escape my eye and trickle down my cheek.

"Don't worry, Arlene. You don't have to be upset; we will go back for them when we return." Dante reassured. I was still adamant that I wasn't to engage in any conversation with him.

"Just be quiet." I ordered, "I'm fine."

"Arlene, please..." I cut him off.

"Are you going to pay them or what?" I gave him a grimacing look.

Dante then gave me an awkward nod with a sense of guilt in his eyes and proceeded to ruffle through his satchel for some gold. As he pulled out enough payment, he swiftly limped over to the stable boy and paid him accordingly.

Blue hopped out of the saddlebag, stretching his limbs as he hadn't left in a while. He looked at me with his chocolate brown eyes as if to say 'Where are we going now?'.

I picked him up, cradling his small body in my arms.

"Come on, Blue. We aren't leaving you behind yet."

The town was so quiet yet so busy, I had never been anywhere like this before. It was nice to get away from Mournstead for a change. Nice to see some new faces and a town that wasn't damaged to the point of ruins. It was wonderful.

As we walked through the village, an instant smell of cinnamon clouded the air, swirling in the warm breeze emitting from the bakery. I breathed in the sweet sugary scent, and Blue licked the air, capturing the essence of sweet rolls and iced buns. There were plenty of market stalls around us. Some sell jewellery, others groceries, and many sell clothing. Some farmers rode on horseback through the bustling streets with trailers of animals and livestock, carefully making their way through the rushing river of people. We were greeted by people either saying "Hello!" or "Good morning!" and even some people asked, "How are you?". Everyone was so friendly here!

I gazed at the beautiful flowers at the market stalls, and the crowds of people entering and exiting the bakeries and clothing shops. As I became more and more distracted, I noticed that Dante was gone. He was no longer trailing along behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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