10. Juliana

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Walking back from the mage's camp, I contemplate where the wedding should be. Obviously, we wouldn't be able to have any guests. It would have to be in some place secret, discreet, somewhere where no one would ever be able to find us. Perhaps the place we go to have our secret little meetings. The bench. That is hidden. Hidden amongst the droopy leaves and ivy.

"Arlene Pentaghast," I mumble, "Got to get used to that," I chuckle to myself.

Returning to the camp, I see my mother prancing up to me in delight. "What has she done now?" I think to myself, walking towards her.

"Alistair, first of all, where have you been?"

"Apologies mother, I got lost along the way so I had to ask for directions and by the time I found someone to ask, it got dark an-"

"Yes, yes, alright Alistair, just don't do it again, please. Ok! Moving on!"

I was stunned. She dismissed that mysteriously fast, she must have wanted to tell me something.

"However, I have brilliant news! I have finally found you the perfect bride!" she squealed. I froze. Of course, this would happen! Right after I had proposed to the woman I loved!

"Bride?" I reply, trying to seem as calm as possible.

"Yes, son! She is a wonderful woman I am sure, of course, we will have to plan the wedding and... oh! I almost forgot!! Where is that ring that I gave you?"

My heart jumped into my throat. The ring! What was I supposed to tell her? That I had gifted it to the daughter of the head mage. I had been keeping our love a secret for weeks now! That I supposedly loved the one type of person that my family hated! To tell her that I had proposed to my arch nemesis! I was lost for words. I couldn't speak. I just stood there, completely silent, trying to think of an excuse.

"Alistair..." she said, narrowing her eyes at me. She started tapping her foot impatiently at me again like she always did when I didn't know what to say.

"I.... I......" I began.

"Don't tell me you've lost it!" she had become angry now, face red with fury and impatience. She was tapping her foot even harder and faster as the seconds passed. I had no choice but to go with her assumption and admit that I had 'lost' the engagement ring.

"I'm afraid you are correct mother..." I lie, the guilt instantly rushing through my body.

"What am I going to do with you son? I suppose I could buy another one. I never liked that ugly purple gem anyway. I will get you the most beautiful, expensive, shiny engagement ring of all! It will be perfect for her!"

"But mother, I haven't even met her yet!"

"That is why you must meet her now Alistair. Please welcome Juliana Bennet, soon-to-be Juliana Penteghast." Way to go for the warning, mother.

I gazed in confusion as a young female appeared beholding her flawlessly long, platinum blond hair and her hazelnut brown eyes. She wore expensive clothing and diamond-encrusted jewellery. An old, heavy-looking, emerald pendant lay elegantly on her chest, presenting a symbol. Her velvety, plum purple dress stretched down to her ankles, leaving just enough room for me to notice her slightly healed flats made of the same fabric as her dress. A cloak of bear pelt draped from her shoulders and reached down the floor, dragging gracefully behind her, giving her a sudden aura of power. Her hair was mostly let loose, other than a substantial section braided into two strands and tied together at the back using a fashionable ribbon. Her face was layered with powdered lily root and she had pouted red-berry lips.

I felt angry whilst looking at her. Did she think she could replace my angel? But then again, she didn't know that I was already engaged. I was just so uncontrollably angry. Perhaps my anger would scare her away. At least that would buy me some time. So, I could figure out what to do about the situation without Arlene knowing. She was going through enough. Especially since the incident between her and her father. She must never know...


Once called by Mrs Penteghast, I walked forward from the tent, proudly showing off my family crest on my necklace. I had approached the young man that I assumed was her son. He seemed skinnier than I thought. He was also really handsome. So blond! Such magnificent blue eyes! I was glad that this was the person I was destined to marry. However, I didn't know him fully yet.

"A pleasure to meet you, Master Penteghast," I greeted, curtsying as I spoke. Major excitement brewed secretly inside me.

"The pleasure is all mine, Lady Bennet," he replied with a (what seemed) fake and slightly unsure smile.

"Please, call me Juliana."

There was a small pause as he stared at anything but me and then his mother nudged him. As if she were telling him to be polite and socialise with his fiancée.

"Call me Alistair," he eventually coughed out, as he said that he winced as if it had hurt him even to try and be polite to me.

"Thank you, Alistair," I responded as politely as I could, a fire of fury burning inside my throat. "I see you two have now been acquainted, I can't wait for the celebration!" Mrs Penteghast chipped in.

"Celebration?!" Alistair gasped eyes wide.

I was utterly shocked at the current distaste in his voice. Did he dislike me so much that he wouldn't even give me a chance? How could he know enough to decide that he hated me even though he only knew my name? As I pondered on what I could have done wrong, Mrs Penteghast interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes, Alistair! This particular celebration will help your relationship progress into love and companionship! Soon it will become the relationship of lover and lover, bride and groom and finally blossom into husband and wife!" Mrs Penteghast answered in delight.

I could tell that she was excited about this. Unlike me. I wasn't excited at all although I may have been before. It was just the look he gave me. That sheer spiteful look he wore on his face put me off completely. What was his problem? Why suddenly, had he decided that he hated me? Did he not like what I looked like? Did he not like the scent of my lavender perfume? Did I do something wrong? I didn't understand.

While Mrs Penteghast and her exceedingly rude son weren't looking, I quickly sniffed to see if I could locate any sort of displeasing smell and brushed back any loose hairs I could find. Nothing. Nothing I did could change his mind about the way he felt about me. Alistair's hateful expression, unfortunately, stayed present.

"This is just the introduction. We will definitely see you at the celebration. Am I right, Lady Bennet?" Mrs Penteghast interrupted again.

"Of course, Mrs Penteghast," I agreed curtsying again, Alistair grimaced at me from the corner of my eye.

"Oh, my dear, call me Eshina!"

"Of course, Eshina."

Alistair rolled his eyes.

As I began to feel quite irritated, I turned around in relief as the carriage pulled up behind me. As soon as it was stationary, I began to mount the steps.

"Son do say your goodbyes..." Mrs Penteghast prompted my 'husband to be'.

"Bye." Alistair forced involuntarily, immediately shifting his eyes from the ground to me and then back to the ground in a matter of a second. I turned around while boarding the carriage, eager to get this over with and return home.

"Have a wonderful afternoon Master Pentaghast, you too Eshina," I replied, not meaning any word of what I said to Alistair.

I forced back the tears of fury from my eyes as I closed the carriage door behind me and sat down to prepare myself for the long travel home. As the carriage began to move, I wiped away an escaped tear and tried my hardest to smile while they could still see me in the window.

I couldn't wait to go home. I refused to believe that this rude, impolite, ungrateful monster of a Templar was practically my fiancé. How could anyone learn to love him? I would be surprised if anyone did, even his dear mother.

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