26. Spring Squabble

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It was morning and after a terrible night's sleep, I got up to the mellow light of the sun filtering through the cave and landing harshly on the side of my face. I awoke from my light rest and sat up groggily, brushing my hair out of my face and winding the loose strands around my ears.

I looked up sleepily, my eyes still slightly closed.

"Good morning sleepy head," greeted Dante, who was sat on the ground tying his bootlaces.

"Morning..." I answered, yawning as I stretched my hands up in the air.

"Nice sleep?" he asked, some sort of nervous tone in his voice.

"Umm, yeah." A long pause. "Yeah, it was ok."

"Good." Dante nodded.

"You?" I asked.



I couldn't help but notice a tension in the room. Normally Dante was all smirk and no worry, but I had realised that there was obviously something that was bothering him.

He stood up, having tied his shoelaces, and picked up his belongings. He then headed for the cart that was attached to Onyx. He left the shelter and entered the warm glow of sunlight outside. The majority of the snow had melted now, so the vibrant colour of the early spring grass reflected off the vegetation and painted the cart with a diluted green. White and yellow daffodils sprouted freshly from the ground, spreading neatly around the perimeter of the grass as if someone had carefully placed them in neat rows.

It was satisfying, seeing all of the wildflowers begin to blossom as spring finally arrived.

Dante came back in again whilst I was marvelling at mother-nature.

"Are you ok there?" asked Dante.

"Oh, yes. Isn't it pretty now that the plants have started to grow?" I asked, hoping that he would approve.

"Umm... yes, very beautiful."

"What's wrong?" I asked, standing up from my sleeping bag and brushing my hair with the hairbrush that had been buried under my blanket.

He had been acting strangely peculiar around me since I had woken up. I wondered, what had gotten into him?

"Me?" he asked.

"Well, could I be talking to anyone else?" I asked playfully.

"Oh... umm... no."

"Then what's bothering you, Dante? I didn't think we were distant enough to keep secrets from each other. I thought we were friends."

His bowed head suddenly jerked up in shock and frustration, as if I had insulted him in some way.

"We are friends, and it isn't a secret! I just have something on my mind that's all." He snapped.

"Well, could you tell me what it is?"

"Since when have my thoughts been any of your business?"

"Hey! Dante, you're not being fair. I understand that your thoughts have never been my business, but..."

"Then please leave me be." He interrupted.

"Why are you hiding things from me? Do you not trust me?"

"After recent events, I am not sure if I should trust you or not! If anything, you should be the one answering that question!"

I threw the brush down onto my pillow in confusion and rage.

"Me! What are you talking about? Recent events? I asked you the question!"

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