Confusion and Beaus

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"Are ye sure it doesnae hurt that badly?" Ophelia asked, looking over at Andrew with worry at the burn on his forearm. It was mostly healed up, but still looked a bit painful.

"Oh, I'm fine. Nothing like what Colonel did to Weasley the day we found him," Andrew said. She turned her eyes to Charlie, who only shrugged. Just how badly had Colonel hurt him?

She couldn't help as her eyes roamed the exposed skin of his arms, looking for the tell-tale signs of a burn scar. Though they were littered with them, she couldn't see any relatively new ones.

"They healed me up fine," Charlie said.

"It's on his back," Andrew said, catching Ophelia's search. She looked at him, her cheeks reddening slightly.

"Ruined my favorite shirt," Charlie joked.

"Every shirt is your favorite shirt," Andrew quipped in return as Charlie chuckled.

"Sometimes I forget how dangerous this job can be," Ophelia said, turning back to her lunch.

"Surprised, seeing as you were trailing Weasley. He's in the clinic more than anyone," Andrew replied. Ophelia gave Charlie a look, which caused him to blush slightly.

"Told you... easing you in," he said.

Ophelia chuckled, showing him she wasn't that upset. Since the might-have-been a date, she had relaxed around him, taking Daria's advice to heart. Though she still couldn't help the flutter that started up in her stomach whenever he smiled at her.

"Well, next time I'm out with ye, I expect to see some wild dragons," she replied.

"Of course," Charlie said. "Think you're out with me in a day or two." Ophelia smiled at him.

"Good," she said, already excited about the prospect.

"Mail call!" Adara shouted as she walked into the mess hall with a large bag on her shoulder.

Ophelia turned back to her food, eager to finish up and get back to the office so she could finish up her work for the day and then relax with a book. She vaguely registered Adara calling out names as Andrew started in on another story.

In fact, it took Adara standing right next to her, a grin on her face, to get her attention.

"Got some things for you," Adara said.

She put down a package with messy handwriting that Ophelia immediately knew was from Oliver. She chuckled as she grabbed it and started unwrapping it.

"That Blishen's?" Charlie asked, leaning over to look at the bottle.

"Only the best from Oliver," Ophelia said with a sigh, pulling open the letter that accompanied it. "Says he thought I'd want a taste of home. Does he think I'm in Antarctica?"

"Knowing Oliver, likely," Charlie said. "You up for sharing?" Ophelia turned to him, smiling.

"Always," she replied. Adara cleared her throat, getting everyone's attention.

"Who's M. Flint?" Adara asked.

Ophelia froze a moment, seeing a sly smile spread across Adara's face as she held out an envelope. Ophelia gulped and took it, looking down at the surprisingly neat handwriting.

Marcus Flint had written her? Why? It seemed unlike something he would do. They were barely friends as it was.

"A beau, perhaps?" Adara asked.

"Oh! No! He's... just a friend," Ophelia said quickly, her cheeks flushing again.

"Really?" Adara asked.

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