Mountains Out of Molehills

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Ophelia hummed to herself as she studied the shelves of supplies a moment before grabbing a few things and packing them into a knapsack. She and Charlie were heading out to check on a few dragons on the far borders and then going outside of the sanctuary to see about a possible dragon attack on a farm, so wanted to make sure they were prepared for whatever could happen.

Though it had only been a few days since the storm, Ophelia felt as though it had been much longer. There was an easy familiarity to being with Charlie, though she supposed it could be because they had known each other for years as it was. Or maybe it was something else.

She spent every day going out in the field with him now, checking on the dragons and studying them. Then every evening they would spend hours talking or just reading together - he had a personal library that rivaled her own. Then she would fall asleep in his arms either at his cabin or hers.

Ophelia couldn't help but think this could possibly be the best time of her life. Working with dragons, learning how to run a reserve, and getting to do it all with an incredible man who, for some reason, seemed to care just as much for her as she did for him.

It was like something from a fairy tale or one of those muggle films. But here she was, living it. A soft smile came over her face as she thought of him and how she fit perfectly in his arms.

She heard footsteps behind her and started chuckling.

"Och, thought I told ye I didnae need help. I can pack a supply bag by now," she scoffed, figuring Charlie was getting impatient to get out to his dragons even though they had agreed to leave in about 30 or 45 minutes.

"Just getting my own gear," a feminine voice replied.

Ophelia spun around, her eyes wide as she saw Adara walking into the shed, pulling her own knapsack off one shoulder.

"Ah, I see," Ophelia said curtly before turning around and getting back to her work.

Truthfully, after everything that had happened, Ophelia had been avoiding the woman, still angry that she had attempted to sabotage her and Charlie. It was something that hadn't gone completely unnoticed by some of the other tamers, though they were thankfully too polite to ask about it. They hadn't been shy when it came to asking about her and Charlie, though Ophelia was of the mind that it hadn't been that obvious. She still wasn't one for public displays of affection and was getting used to the fact that Charlie enjoyed sneaking kisses here and there. Always found some way to touch her.

"So... how are you? We haven't really gotten a chance to catch up much the last few days," Adara said casually, glancing at Ophelia. "Seems you've been a bit busy... not spending much time in the mess hall for dinner and all."

"I'm fine," Ophelia said brusquely. Adara nodded.

"And Flint? Saw you got another letter from him yesterday," she continued. Ophelia huffed and turned to the older woman, who was wearing a look of innocence, though Ophelia knew better.

"I know what ye're tryin' to do and ye might as well give up," Ophelia said bluntly. Adara's eyes widened.

"I don't know what-"

"Och, ye do. Ye're tryin' to get in between me and Charlie and it's no gonna work," Ophelia said, scowling at her. "And rather childish, if ye ask me."

She then turned back to her work, though she noticed Adara's eyes narrowing.

"You think you're so special," Adara said, her voice now cold as ice.

Ophelia looked over at her, slightly surprised at the sudden change. It was almost as though an entirely different woman was standing before her. The smile was gone and instead there was a dark scowl across her face.

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