Dragon Tamer of my Heart

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Ophelia woke up the next morning to find her room bathed in warm light. She smiled as she stretched out in her bed, enjoying the lie in after all the work they had done in the last two weeks, but then frowned when she found the other side empty. She sat up and looked over, wondering where Charlie was. For a moment, her heart clenched, but she then realized how silly she was being and settled back in the bed, contemplating what she wanted to do with her day off.

Apparently, Charlie had ideas because no sooner had she settled back in, he walked in with a tray covered in breakfast.

"What's this?" she asked, sitting up.

He walked over and put the tray down and then walked over to the other side of the bed and crawled in next to her, snagging a sausage. Ophelia's stomach growled slightly as she picked up a piece of bacon and took a bite, looking over at him.

"Thought you deserved breakfast in bed after the last couple weeks," he said. Ophelia chuckled.

"Seriously, what did I do to deserve ye," she replied. He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"Think it's me who's the lucky one," he replied, reaching for an envelope from the tray that Ophelia just now noticed.

"What's that?" she asked.

"Dunno. Came from Larkins. Guess he figured out where I've been staying," Charlie said, opening it up.

"Suppose we may have made that a bit obvious yesterday," Ophelia said. She then leaned over to try and read it over his shoulder. "The contract, maybe?"

Charlie hummed, though continued reading. Ophelia kept eating, waiting for him to finish with it.

"Seems he wants me here as soon as possible," he said finally. "He was impressed with my work so far and thinks I would be invaluable in helping with setting up the reserve."

Ophelia's eyes widened slightly as Charlie looked over at her with a crooked grin.

"Seems as though we're going to be working more closely together much sooner than we thought," he replied.

"I could get used to that," Ophelia replied. "And ye'll be needin' a place to stay before we've got the cabins ready."

"This is true," Charlie said.

"Unless ye mam wants ye home," Ophelia said. Charlie chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sure she will. In fact, I'm waiting a bit longer before I tell her just because I know she'll be insufferable," he replied with a sigh. "I love her and my family, don't get me wrong, but there was a reason I moved to Romania and it wasn't completely the dragons... Needed a bit of space."

"Dinnae blame ye," Ophelia said. "Certainly, can relate to wantin' space. May not have had six siblings, but Oliver and Duncan certainly made it necessary."

"As I have now learned. I didn't recall them being so... invested... at Hogwarts," he said.

"Och, likely because ye were too busy with quidditch and all. Though Ollie was never that bad. I could stand to be around him most of the time. Duncan, though... we had to jinx the Hufflepuff barrels to douse him in vinegar every time he showed up, it got so annoyin'," she replied with a chuckle.

Charlie's eyes widened slightly as the realization hit him.

"Wait... that's what happened? I'd always ask what he was getting up to when he'd come back reeking of vinegar, but he refused to say," he said, laughing softly. Ophelia just shrugged as she smiled.

"Apparently never learned his lesson," she said with a sigh. "And at least wi' ye family... There's Percy's wedding to keep her preoccupied." Charlie snorted.

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