Chapter 18

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Flare looked at her friend, who was already waiting for her to return his gaze. Shadow cocked his head as he separated from Crow. His ear trickled a thin stream of blood. 

Somehow, she tried to say "It's okay" in her gaze alone. She gave her tail a small wag and realized that, for once, she was comforting Shadow instead of the other way around. Crow was already heading towards her, but she starved for Shadow's response.

Finally Shadow nodded with a sullen gaze, his ears droopy.

Flare sighed, relieved that she had changed the outcome of the brawl. That could've been brutal.

"Come on. I'm thirsty..." Crow seemed to be dragging on a last comment, and swished his fluffy tail back and forth. 

"And you probably want a drink too, huh?" Flare almost rolled her eyes, and once again ignored him. Of course I want a drink, idiot. I haven't been 'allowed' one since last morning! She was still seething from her sudden separation with Shadow. Regardless, Flare forced her muzzle shut as she followed behind the male. He had a much different, muskier scent than Shadow's. 

He halted beside the stained water-bucket and passively looked away so Flare could drink. She twitched an ear and walked over on stiff legs, still hardly believing she was putting up with all this.

"I can't imagine why you hang around with such a puny runt of a dog." 

The water that Flare had been drinking caught in her throat, making her cough. Rebelliously, she almost spoke out. 

Just keep your muzzle shut, Flare told herself sternly. It may lead to more trouble for Shadow if you speak.

"Well, I suppose there's some excuse. Didn't have much better options, did ya? That Jax is a runt, White Dog is too old, and Grey Dog is too lily-livered and stuck on one female dog." 

Flare licked her lips and backed away as she finished up. How does he know about Mocha? Another case of 'Jax can't keep his mouth shut?,' I suppose. Crow loped forwards, tail swaying, and dipped his long snout over the edge of the bucket. He took a small drink and swiveled around to intercept Flare, who cringed away. 

"You know, the only female in my previous yard was my mother-dog and litter-mates. It makes me excited to finally be up close to a female dog that isn't family." 

Taken aback and slightly disturbed, Flare leaned away all the harder. She turned her nose away from him as he sniffed her face. By now, the clouds had parted to allow for huge shafts of sunlight- one of which illuminated the dog's black coat with a soft yellow glow.

"I've never much talked to a female dog before, but I would very much like to." He sat down on his rump and scooted even closer. His nostrils flared as he examined her scent some more. What a weirdo. Flare whisked her tail away as his paw lightly touched it. The male was a few inches taller than her, with a thicker nose and brow. She wasn't sure whether his size, or his complete lack of personal space was bothering her more right now. 

"Back off. Can't you read a dog's body language?"

Suddenly, a complete change of pace came from Crow. He leapt to his feet and swung his body around, facing Shadow. With his lip slightly curled, and his head lowered aggressively, the German Shepherd spat a retort. 

"Of course I can," he snarled with pinpointed amber eyes and bushy neck-fur. "But if you want to insinuate that I'm as daft as a pup once again, I can carry through with my earlier threat." He proceeded to stare Shadow down, who looked away within a few seconds. 

Flare gulped. She couldn't blame Shadow for keeping quiet. No dog would want to suffer the pain of losing their ears.

Like White Dog did. She pricked her triangular ears and looked around for the tall, ghostly mastiff. White Dog lay in the corner of the Yard, against the fence-line where two corners met. He still looked sickly, if not worse off than before. White Dog's muzzle was stained red with blood near the bridge of his nose- where the male couldn't lick it away. Even from this distance, she could see the ripped and raw holes where Crow's teeth had pierced through. I hope his wounds heal fast, but he seems old and sick...

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