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The girl hold so tight on the boy that she thought she will leave him with no lungs or organs after this. But on the other side, the boy was smiling like crazy as he felt the girls tight hold around him. And Baji, he was already shipping them and he also let Chifuyu be in front so he would look cool to the girl, even though she looked half dead. Baji wanted to see his friend happy so one time in a life he could let Chifuyu win a race.
After a while the motorcycles stopped. Yet, the girl didn't seemed to notice and she still hold tight on the boy.

"Oi, you gonna leave Chifuyu without organs if you keep holding him like that." Baji said as he lightly touched the girls shoulder, waking her up from her world were she was cursing herself for accepting the ride.
"Eh?" she looked confused around making the blonde boy chuckle.
"I thought you weren't scared." Baji said smirking.
"I'm not." the girl quickly said as she got off the motorcycle and the feeling of ground underneath her was like air for her lungs.
"You were holding him like there's no tomorrow." Baji continued just to see how far the girl would go.
"He told me to do so." the girl defended herself.
"Oh? So you obey him?" Baji asked.
"Baji-san, that's enough." Chifuyu entered the conversation as he knew were this discussion was going to.
"I don't bite your girlfriend, you know." Baji said making both, chifuyu and y/n, to blush.

Fucking idiot.

Girlfriend? I wish.

"Baji-san!" Chifuyu said trying to get rid of the redness of his face.
"What?" the long haired boy asked confused. "I'm only saying what I see."
"l/n-chan, please don't mind him. I don't know what's wrong with him today." the blonde turned back at girl.
"It's okay, Chifuyu-kun." the girl said smiling. "I should get going now. I hope we'll see each other soon." she said and she slowly walked to her front door, once she arrived there she quickly waved at the 2 boys and entered her house.
"Baji-san, what's wrong with you?" the blonde said as the girl was now somewhere in her house.
"What? I was helping you in getting yourself a girlfriend. I see how you look at her." the dark hair male defended.
"She's just a friend. I don't like her." the blonde said as he got on his motorcycle again.
"Okay, okay, mr. i don't like her. Just tell me when it's the wedding." Baji said smiling. "You still own me peyoung yakisoba, since I clearly let you win." he continued with a bigger dose of confidence.


Baji eventually made Chifuyu spill out everything he knows about the girl and what the girl knows about him.

"I was thinking of not talking or meeting with her anymore, because of the gang." Chifuyu said making Baji to spill the water he was drinking everywhere.
"And you say I'm the dumb one." Baji said wiping his mouth. "What if you were madly in love with her, would you leave the gang?" he asked it as a joke.
"I might." Chifuyu responded but not so loud so his friend wasn't able to hear.
"So, are you planning to not meet with her in the station, anymore?" the long haired boy asked.
"No. At least not for now."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 [𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐲𝐮]Where stories live. Discover now