Visions of flight

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The transition into the darkness of your visions was easier this time. It wasn't the jarring feeling that you couldn't breathe or feel like it usually was. There was just your existence and then nothing.

Quickly you faded in and all around you was glimmering ocean. Below you in the water was a massive bird like creature.

You were too far away from the water to make out its form. So you could not cannot truly tell what it was.

Suddenly if flew closer to the water and you realized it was a reflection of yourself. You were some sort of bird with the hind legs of a cat.

Looking closer you realized it wasn't only that. Your feathers were also made out of S/C colored leaves and the fur of your hind legs was made out of H/C colored sand. You're powerful but fragile body was being held together purely by the wind.

You watched the reflection of yourself slowly disappear as you climbed higher on the breeze. You soared through the clouds basking in the shade they gave you as they blocked the sun.

The sky was a brilliant blue almost blending in with the ocean. The blues were so brilliant that they reminded you of some thing, reminded it of some thing. However you nor it could put a finger on what.

As puzzled as you were about this familiar feeling you were taken by a sense of freedom.

But the sense did not last long because the clouds began to darken. The early spikes of lightning threaded themselves throughout the clouds and stitched them together.

The clouds thickened and the large raindrops that fell from the sky made it hard to fly. It panicked slightly and the winds picked up. It flew lower out of the clouds and towards the water. Large choppy waves reached up for it.

It noticed a lone ship fighting the waves. It watched as the fog rolled in and the ship lost the battle.

You gasped for air as you recognize the flag at top of the ship.

You screamed...


(A/N Cliffhanger 😉, sorry again my baby readers stay tuned for next weekend. Love y'all bye 😘)

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