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[Y/N] Your Name

[F/N] Fathers Name

[F/C] Favorite Color

[F/N/C] Favorite Neon Color

[F/P/C] Favorite Pastel Color


[Y/N]’s POV


I woke up and yawned. Eyes squinting from the sunlight bleeding into my room. I sat up on my [F/C] window sill couch. I gave myself some time to wake up properly, ignoring the awful morning dehydration for now. I looked out the window, loud chirping and tweeting from a nest on the tree just outside my window. I smiled as the pretty bird flew away. Knocking the blankets off from my legs I finally got up. Yawning once more, rubbing my eyes and stretching had me feeling more energized now. I hopped in place from one leg to the other to get the blood flowing. I grabbed my phone to check the time, 8:12am. 

Plenty of time to spare with classes starting at 9:30am. ‘Awesome.’ I made my way to the closet, opening it up to see what there was. I shuffled through them looking for something comfortable and good looking. Finally finding something just perfect to wear, I grabbed a hoodie, it was [F/C] that faded into [F/N/C]! Digging a little more for something I found [White/Black] yoga pants and a nice pair of [F/P/C] shoes.

Example of your lovely hoodie:

Example of your lovely hoodie:

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I tossed the clean clothes somewhere on my window sill bed and slipped my pajamas off, tripping on my bottoms a little. I put the fresh clothes on. I balled the pajamas up and tossed them into the basket for washing later. They landed perfectly in, ‘Score!’ I unplugged my phone, checking the time and battery. 8:19am. 87%.

I opened my phone to the camera, getting in front of the mirror to fan over my great outfit. Took a quick picture, I looked back at it in my gallery with a smile until I smelled my favorite breakfast. A grumble of my stomach reminded me that breakfast is an important meal and I should absolutely get some! I put my phone down and speed walked out of my room with a big grin, practically jumping down the stairs to meet the happy face of my father wearing a very fashionable apron. 

“Hey kid, slow down! You're gonna fall and bust your head open.” [F/N] chuckled. I plopped down in my chair as my father went on and on about how I shouldn’t run, again. He placed the plate of pancakes down in front of me. Mouth practically drooling as it has syrup and whipped cream coated on it just perfectly, it was my favorite! He slid a cup of OJ towards me carefully as well. “Okay! I’m sorry. I’ll never do it again. I promise!” Trying to keep poorly hidden crossed fingers on my lap. [F/N] flicked me on the top of my head. I murmured a small “ow.” He pointed an accusatory finger at me, “Now quit lyin’ to me! I see those crossed fingers.” I pouted, “I’ll never stop running!” 

“Ha! Pssh, try sayin’ that when ya’ 60.” 

I mocked him quietly, “Try SAyiNtHaT wHen YoU’Re 60. I’m an unstoppable force!” I dug into my pancakes while he went to work on the dishes with a smirk. When I finished I made my way to online school. Boring of course, but I have plans! I’m heading to the creek once all this school work is finished. It’s too bad I finish my school at 1:00pm, this girl named Helen is there when everyone else is but she’s gone by 2:30pm so I normally spend some time alone. Before I knew it I had finished my yummy snack and it was 9:16am. I made my way into the study room and sat at the desk, leaning back into the [F/C] chair to mentally prepare myself, ‘time to work me, let's go!’ Grabbed my supplies, turned on the computer, logged in and joined the class meeting. 

I smiled as I appeared in the camera. In the class was the teacher and 18 other kids ready to learn. Except for Luis, he’s sleeping on camera like always. Lessons lasted long and I made sure to write the necessary notes, hyper-learning of sorts! I was focused on each word in shorthand so I can review anything I need to, making studying much easier! She finished her explanation on what to do with remainders. Luis finally woke up, raising a digital hand, he unmuted and groggily asked the teacher to repeat everything she said. I groaned, running a hand down my face. Today’s gonna be a LONG day.


After Online Classes!


It took a long time but I finished all of my assignments. ‘I can finally head to the creak! I’m so excited to explore new places, they don’t call me the adventurer of the creek for nothing!’ I launched out of the chair and made my way to the stairs, running excitedly, only to get caught by my dad. “And just what do you think you’re doing?” I halted in my tracks and sighed, impatient to get going to the creek. “I’m sorry for running…” He smiled gently, he poked my nose making my face scrunch up. “We have rules for a reason kiddo, I won’t bother you too much about it now. I know you have places to go, so hurry now.” The smile grew back onto my face, “Thanks Dad! Love you!”

I ran up the stairs, jogged into my room to start preparing! I grabbed a notebook, a copy of Craig’s map, some band-aids both big and small, my Tamagotchi, some sunscreen for my sensitive skin, and wet wipes! I shoved them into my backpack. Made sure to grab my phone, earbuds, a pencil, my [F/P] named [S/A/N] and then for the cherry on top of supplies, some spare clothes. I shuddered thinking about what happened last time I didn’t, I won’t be making that mistake again, there’s still so much dirt on those jeans… Anyways, zipped up my backpack and put it on my back feeling prepared! I hopped down the stairs, two at a time. I opened and made my way out the door, double checking to make sure I locked it behind me. On the porch, I grabbed the watercan and made sure to water the tulips as quickly, albeit safely and made my way to the creek. There’s no back door into the backyard for some weird reason, so I have to use a gate. I took a relaxing deep breath of fresh air and pulled my map out. I looked at where I’ve been and where I could go. 

The map ended at a sewer, (Craig had removed the overpass to avoid you from going there). The trading tree seems like a good place to start for a quick snack. I’ll head to the sewer after that to do my favorite thing, exploring! I do have to wait for everyone to get here, so I sat down to chill with [S/A/N] and write in my journal with a good feeling in my heart!

Credits to WorldinHand for Proof Reading

- Fairest queen  -( Sewer Queen X Reader Craig of the creek )Where stories live. Discover now