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D-Did he just said he love me?!
My heart started racing like crazy and Pan looked deep into my eyes...

Those eyes...oh my god..these beautiful forest green eyes
and his adorable smile..ahh if I wasnt laying in his arms right now I would probably faint.I got dragged out from my thought by Peter-I MEAN-  Pan's voice
《are you done staring at me?》he said with a develish grin on his face.《I-I wasn't s-staring..》A deep laugh came out of his mouth.《yeah, yeah ...Didn't you say you wanted to get dressed?》he asked grinning.
《Y-yeah right》 I said. I got up from the Bed and got to the big closet.I opened it and saw lots of clothes- for women..

I felt how pan wraped his strong arms around my waist amd whispered with his deep voice into my ear
《I hope you these clothes are okay for you》
《These are perfect but from who are these clothes and this hut?》I asked.《this is your hut and your clothes》
He said and I could feel his grin.
《B-but how would you know what my size is and that I would even come?》I asked a little scared
《I saw you years ago in the hourglas in the skullrock..how you laid beside me...we looked into each others eyes and kissed...I said I love you and you...you said it to...I knew that you are my soulmate...my little lost girl...my Queen..》while saying this he walked around me and traveled his hands around my waist. The feeling of his cold hands on my waist made shivers go down my spine.《I can't wait to see you in one of these clothes later my Darling~》He placed one last kiss on my shoulders and got out of my hut.When I collected myself again(?) I looked into the closet again and saw a beautiful dress in black.

When I collected myself again(?) I looked into the closet again and saw a beautiful dress in black

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I got dressed and walked outside the hut.I saw a few of te lost boys dancing around a big fire when suddenly someone bumped into me.《oh its the toy of my boyfriend》the person said in an bitch way(I hope you know what I mean) wait what-BOYFRIEND?!! 《And who the hell are you?》I asked coldly 《 I am Peter beloved GIRLFRIEND!》.This asshole lied to me!but oh boy he was gonna regret it badly.I was boiling inside but from the putside I acted coldy.《so what? At least I am stronger than you because I'm sure u never even had a sword or a knife in your hand》I laughed while she looked at me raging(idk how to spell it sry) mad.《HOW DARE YOU TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU STUPID BITCH!I AM THE FUTURE QUEEN OF NEVERLAND!!》Suddenly Pan came around the cornor the face of this Girl got softer .《baby your toy was rude to me and called me a bitch..punish her!》Please what?! I was about to say something but pan disturbed me.《Awh cmon Wendy she is new let her be and now leave us alone I want to talk to Y/N ALONE!》
He said while not taking his eyes off of me.《Hey! don't look at her like that!  I AM YOUR GIRLFRIEND! And why do you call me Wendy?!you always call me Bae or Babe!?!》
She asked with an angry face.《LEAVE!》 Pan said now louder. Wendy walked away angry . 《So what I wanted to say is-》I disturbed him by slapping him hard in the face.《HOW DARE YOU!FIRST YOU TRY TO SEDUCE ME AND SAY YOU LOVE ME AND NOW?!NOW YOUR STUPID GIRLFRIEND STOOD IN FRONT OF ME》I let my anger out on him. 《I know this looks wrong but I use her to get her brothers to do what I say-》He said trying to calm me down.《And HOW would I know if you try to do that with me too?!》
I just couldn't trust him anymore. I looked him in the eyes and say that he was hurted, I don't know why but I couldn't care less at the moment.
《You.are.a.LIAR 》
and with that I ran into the jungle...


Hey guys I hope you liked this part.

And please don't forget to vote,thank you❤
Oh and btw I have a new user from Meliouat to Chaevly

Your Meli <3

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