-fucking liar !

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I wanted to know what was so importaint that Peter just Left.
So l decided l would go outside and spy on him but when I tried to Leave a Lost Boy was standing on the Frontdoor.

" I'm sorry Y/N,but I'm not allowed to let you out"."and why?!" I asked "I don't know-"
I just rolled my eyes and shut the door. *What is ging on that he won't let me out?* I walked outside to the Pool and let my feet feel the cold clear water. A few hours I just sat there with my feet in the water and thought about what happened in the last few days. Suddenly someone Steppen behind me and whispered into my ear ."What are you doing here outside my love?" of course it was Pan.I just stood up,looked at him for a moment in the eye and then pushed my way to the open door of the Livingroom.

"Hey,hey love,what is it?" I just ignored him and walked towards the stairs.Suddenly Pan pushed me to the Wall and Pinnen my hands above my head." what is it? Tell me!" he asked and I could feel and hear that he was annoyed."Why wouldn't you let me out of the house?! What are you hiding from me?!" Pan loocked shocked at my words and walked a few steps away."What do you mean?! Don't you trust me anymore?!" he said with a little anger in his voice."Why should I even trust you?! You lied so often!" I was too angry with him so I teleported  into one of the guest room's and tried to sleep.

In the morning I got up and was a little confused because I wasn't in our Bedroom but then I remembered what happened and I started getting angry again.When I walked towards our shared bedroom to get dressed a thought came into my mind.*what if Pan really lied to me and is cheating on me with Wendy?* I felt how my heart got heavier at that thought.Finally I arrived at the big wooden door from our dorm.
I wanted to nock but something stopped me and I waited a few moments to get myself together.I nocked but there was no response,so I just opened the door and walked inside.I loocked everywhere but Pan wasn't here. But I couldn't care less at the moment.In the closet I just picked something 'basic'.

It was a ripped jeans with a white oversize T-Shirt

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It was a ripped jeans with a white oversize T-Shirt. After I got my hair amd a slight make-up done I walked down the stairs to the kitchen where a little piece of paper was placed in the kitched table.

Hey Love,I didn't wanted to wake you up so
I left early because I had some buisness to do.
Hope we can talk when I'm home.
Please don't go outside it's dangerous for a girl alone
out there.
Love you xxx
Peter Pan"

*Tsh ,Its dangerous for me? what am I a little Girl who can't protect herself or what?!* I thought to myself and at the same time an Idea came into my head. What if I try to look what Pan is doing with Magic.

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