Chapter 2-Familiarity

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I did not think that I would be deeply interested in reading at all, but once I read one-third of the book, it was as if I could not put the book down. I was addicted to it, maybe too addicted that I finished reading a five hundred page book in three days, which includes secretly reading it in school under my desk and barely paying attention to what the teachers were teaching us.

My friends were all flabbergasted. Hearing what I have said to them, they encouraged me to borrow a new one! Not telling them that I had not been paying attention to school because of it, I had to come up with a lame excuse not to but got rejected by my friends. Instead, they encouraged me even harder, giving reasons why I should start picking up the hobby of reading. I hesitantly agreed not to let my friends down.

Dragging my feet to the same library with the book I borrowed three days ago, not wanting and unmotivated to, I started overthinking. I really should not get addicted to reading...if I do, I would probably firstly get addicted, begin to not pay attention to what the teacher will teach us, if I get caught, I will get punished, fail my grades, make everyone disappointed, and even more! A thousand thoughts whisked through my mind as I thought of the endless consequences I made up. Shaking my head, I pushed the thoughts away. Before my eyes, a young boy caught my eye as he entered the library, pushing the glass doors. is the same boy from three days ago! Why is he here again? I thought to myself.

After him, I went entered the library, only wanting to return the book I borrowed, not intending to borrow any more books.

I wandered around the huge library, observing the actions of the few people in the library, some were borrowing books, others were choosing for it, and the remainding ones were reading, either standing or seated in the library's wooden chairs. One of them, carefully reading, seated on one of the chairs was that blue-haired boy again! I was peeping behind the shelves, trying to get a close look at him. With narrowed eyebrows, I took a detailed look at his features.

Somehow, I could not help but think that I have seen him before, not just three days ago, but before that. Where have I seen it? That familiarity was strong, but I could not recall where I have seen it. I squinted my eyes and went into a deep thought, looking at the familiar face.

Unexpectedly, his hazel eyes shot at me. I widened my eyes in shock and hid right behind the shelves quickly. My heart skipped a beat for a moment. Did he see me? Oh boy...

With my hand on my chest, I calmed myself down, wondering if he saw me.

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