Chapter 8-"Happily ever after"

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  I snapped back to reality. Scenes of that fateful day still replayed in my mind. I was in a state of agitation, my eyes darting around everywhere as I looked down. My head rose back, locking eyes with Xingqiu. "Xingqiu, you were my boyfriend..?" I trailed off, tears started to well up in my eyes. I hugged him tightly. "No wonder I felt a spark between us when we met..." Xingqiu patted me on the back, heaving a sigh while shaking his head. "That makes it a lot better," he gently pushed me back, both hands on my shoulders.
  "I saw your soul being sucked into the portal of time, meaning you were given another chance to live in a different time period from me. I searched many old books regarding time travel, and found out that this stopwatch possesses the power of time travel, so I went into different periods of time. It was impossible for you to be reincarnated to the past, so I went to search for you in the future. When I sensed your soul near a time period, that's where I travelled here and searched for you for about a year," explained Xingqiu. It all made sense now, but I still could not believe my ears, time travel is real? "Then why didn't you tell me sooner?" I questioned.

  "I didn't want to frighten you, plus, I wanted to spend more time with you before we head back," he replied to my question.

  "Head back? To where?"

  "To our respective time period, Yun Yun," he smiled and said. "What? But what about the school, and what about this time period, then what about my parents, then what about—" "Who cares? We would be living happily ever after, wouldn't we?" He interrupted. "But my parents, I can't leave them...why don't we stay here, in this time period?" I tried to convince him, not willing to leave. "I'm not used to living this type of life, I'm sorry. Since we're both used to living in the past, why not our old time period?" I hate it when he is right sometimes...

  "Alright," I hesitated. "Let's live once again, together, and hope that this time, death will do us apart," Xingqiu said as he intertwined both of his hands with mine, my cheeks grew hot. He took the stopwatch out of his pocket. Fidgeting with it, a portal emerged in front of us. It was swirling with blue, purple, and pink, with cold white mists surrounding it. "I have aimed this portal to our time period, at the other end, we would be back in the past," the blue-haired one said. There was this warm tingling feeling in my heart. How nice would it be, living with my boyfriend in the past, where no one would stop us this time, right?

  Xingqiu held out his hand, "To the past, we go," he said. I held his hand tightly. We both head to the portal. The cold white mists swirled behind us, closing the portal, and to the past, we went.

Or not
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  As Xingqiu came out at the end of the portal, he felt the weight of my hand lifted off. He turned to look behind the portal that was closing, only to not see me in sight. Where did I go? Anxiety courses through his veins. Had he not bring me along? I was lost...lost in the portal of time.

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