Chapter 9-Searching back

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Then, it occurred to Xingqiu. He had forgotten the key to the rule of time—a person who had previously died in a time period cannot be travelling back to the same time period. If they do...panic rose to the blue-haired boy as he recalled what he had read. They would be sent to the portal of punishment! Xingqiu gulped as he did not know what to do. He had been so caught up in finding me that he had forgotten all about that. He rushed to his house, in horror at what happened.

Quickly searching the books he had read, the amber-eyed boy, fortunately, found it. Flipping through the pages of the book carelessly, he found the page where the script of how to get into the portal of punishment was written down. It was all in mandarin, the traditional characters of it. As the old book has been through a lot, some of the words on the paper were faded, and hard to read. He squinted his eyes as he tried it read it. Eventually, as Xingqiu examined it carefully, he got a grasp of it. He fidgeted long and hard, following the faint instructions written on the pages with the same old stopwatch, he opened the portal of time and went into it.

He entered the portal to see what seemed to be an endless road ahead. Endless glass spheres were hung from above with diamond chains, each labeled and representing a different time period per century. The future lay behind him, while the past is where he was facing, standing in his respective time period. The portal was pin-drop silence and only the blue-haired boy's steps could be heard echoing around it. When you look into one of the glass spheres, they each had a brief scenery of that respective time period. The atmosphere was breathtaking and mysterious, but Xingqiu did not have time for that.

Twisting the knobs of the stopwatch concentratedly, making sure he did not make any mistakes, he made the stopwatch a source of speed. Holding the stopwatch tightly to his chest Xingqiu sped off to the past at lightning speed. It took a pretty long time, but knowing that the future may be endless, he chose the past to go to. The longer he has sped, the sicker he felt. He gritted his teeth to try to endure the pain. The boy wanted to slow down but did not do so, just to save me.

Suddenly, a physical wave hit Xingqiu, causing him to slow down, he was shocked as the wave caressed his body. He did not get injured at all, the wave was in fact invisible. He assumed that it was there to save him, and he probably reached the start of time. But now, the scenery changed quickly, shocking the amber-eyed boy to get suspicious and defensive. Blackness rose up to the blueish walls and soon, the place was shrouded in blackness. Red flames then rose to the black walls and seemed to be circling around him. Xingqiu slowly pulled out his sword, as soon as he knew it, the red flames engulfed him, bringing him to somewhere unknown.

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