Chapter 6-The reveal and realisation

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  Xingqiu and I did a thorough revision in the library for that 3 days, I was listening attentively as Xingqiu recapped what the school has roughly taught me. "Good luck, Chongyun, do your best," the hazel-eyes boy encouraged me, making me feel that he has faith in me, I was confident as I thanked Xingqiu for the encouragement. By the time the examination has arrived, I was well-prepared and pretty confident.

I took the test like there was no tomorrow. The sounds of scribbles can be heard reverberating throughout the classroom that kind of distracted me a little, but I continued to stay focused. With furrowed eyebrows, I quickly scribbled my answers down on the test paper, carefully reading the provided questions. When I have finished the test paper and have time to spare, I would thoroughly check the test paper, making sure there were no careless mistakes and no blanks left. This has to go on for four days, each a subject—English, Maths, Science, 中文(Chinese).

When the final test paper was over, relief rushed up to me as a weight lifted off my chest. My palms were sweaty by then. After school, I went to the library, as usual, and told Xingqiu how it went. He seemed to be proud of me, which made me feel better.

It was not long till the day the results came out. For each test paper I was given, I would first gently fold it without making any creases, then closing my eyes tightly, I opened it up. I was in a state of euphoria when I saw the high scores written in red on my test papers, I could not get happier as adrenaline coursed through my veins, I smiled so hard I felt like my cheeks could burst at any minute.

  "Xingqiu! Guess what!" I exclaimed when I found him and went towards him. "This is a library!" Xingqiu hissed back softly, then sighed. "Let me guess, your grades were high," he continued. "Yes yes yes!" I said shortly while being soft, nodding my head vigorously. He smiled softly at me. "Congrats, seems like what I said previously is the truth, ' with hard work comes with great success'" the blue-haired boy congratulated me, then with relaxed eyes, looked down on what seemed to be an old stopwatch, far different from the one we used today.

  The outer ring was golden in colour, let us just say used to be. There were scrapings of the gold texture that were rubbed off, and the golden texture seemed to be faded. One part of the glass casing was also missing, leaving a crack there. "Where did you get that? It looks old..." I questioned Xingqiu, frustrated as I inspected the old stopwatch. "It's nothing," he said, hesitantly. "You'll get to know it later," I was in a state of puzzlement hearing what he had said. "Come with me," he continued, standing up and started walking, I followed along cluelessly.

We somewhat went to a deserted area where there seemed to be no one wandering around there. "It is a long story," Xingqiu sighed as he said. "I'm from the past," he firmly stated. "What?" I questioned softly, and could not seem to comprehend what was he saying, is he mad?

"Do you remember me, even before you officially met me? Do you feel some kind of familiarity when you see me or hear my voice?" He asked many questions earnestly. I could not understand, but he did seem familiar, like I had met him even before I officially met him, as Xingqiu said. "Y-yes..." I trailed off, still unsure of what is going on. "Umm...oh! Do you remember our promise, 'till death do us apart'?" Till death do us apart...till death do us apart...these words sound so familiar, I repeated it in my head, then it struck me.

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