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The royal palace of Devpura is covered in deadly silence. The only sound that can be heard is the clattering sound of Devangi's anklets. All the maids, guards, and courtiers of the palace are gathering around the hallways, doorways, passages and the royal gates. Even that despicable-minded Rajmata Roop is here to see Devangi's departure. Some of their eyes are filled with curiosity, and some of them are sad as their favorite princess has to leave today. Some are just here for the show. Devangi holds her brother's hand tightly as they walk through all these people with different thoughts. Her gaze is fixed on the ground. Her face doesn't show any emotion. She hides her frightened heart behind her poker face. She feels like her head is spinning as she moves closer to her destruction. The palace filled with morning sun looks lavish. Devraj also maintains his stern facial expressions although deep down, his heart is bleeding.

As Devangi passes by Rajmata Roop, she can see the ear-to-ear grin on her face. The departure gives her unknown joy and happiness. She feels her victory in Devangi's pain. As she waves her goodbye, there are no good intentions in it. It is crystal clear that she hopes for the worst for Devangi.

Devangi arrives at the entrance of the palace holding her brother's hand. The huge palace gate has been decorated with flowers. The huge Devpura palace could be seen from the entrance. All the guest kings and ministers are present there. The chirping of birds and the noise of fountains around the palace can be heard. And some muttering sounds of the curious spectators around them.
A huge, lavish doli with silk curtains and wonderful designs is prepared for her journey.
(Doli- a small compartment carried by man, used for women's journeys in ancient India)

Her heart skips a beat and her stomach starts twisting as she sees the tall, honey-skinned, light-brown-eyed man again. Mahendra has been waiting for her at the entrance. He is wearing a black sherwani with golden patterns on it. And a flowy golden dhoti.

As she comes into his sight, his gaze quickly gets fixed on her. The revealing bright lehenga she wore starts a fire in his heart. All the preparations have already been made for her departure.
Devraj lovingly grabs Devangi's shoulders. He holds her chin and lifts her face.
"Your brother loves you. Write me letters, won't you?" Devraj says in a crying voice as tears flow from his eyes

"I am afraid it's time for our departure, princess!" Mahendra loudly says hopping on top of his horse.
His horse makes a loud weighing sound.

Devangi shoots a furious glare at Mahendra silently cursing him for making her leave her family.
Then she quickly looks at her brother and wipes his tears. She gives him a reassuring smile and he kisses her forehead. She turns toward the doli and stomps toward it in a sassy manner. The disturbance could be seen on her face. Her clenched fists showed her anger. Before hopping inside the doli, she looks at Mahendra one last time with her emerald green eyes filled with anger.
Mahendra can see the hatred but he bites his bottom lip and passes her a teasing smile. She rolls her eyes and gets inside the lavish doli.

The mumbling and muttering sounds rise in the crowd as the very observant and curious crowd starts analyzing her disgraceful manner. Mahendra is at the very front of the parade. There are 40 soldiers behind him and Devangi's doli is in the middle. There are another 50 soldiers behind her doli. The journey to the kingdom of Rajgadh begins.

It seems to be quite a long journey. The path doesn't end. Hundreds of fields with big trees by their sides, singing birds, shining sun, and the chattering of the Rajgadhi soldiers create a lively environment.

She looks out of her carriage by parting the red silk curtains slightly. What a beautiful sight it is! They are passing by a huge river. The sounds of waves make her remember the turmoil in her life. She can see a few women cleaning their clothes on the other side of the river. Children are playing. Their parade is crossing the green field by the river. The sounds of waves and gusts of strong wind give her a relaxing feel. She can also hear the giggles of children from a far distance. She looks at the beautiful nature with curious eyes. The peaceful cold gust of river wind refreshes her mind. And soon enough, with the rocking motion of her doli and peaceful gusts of wind, she falls asleep on the soft mattress of her doli.

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