6. The unleashed monster

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Devangi slams the door of her chamber open and throws herself on the bed fussing with anger. That vile monster is the worst human being she has ever seen. "Father betrayed his kingdom but my brother was innocent," she thinks to herself. As teardrops are rolling down her cheek uncontrollably. With her hands clenched into a fist, she runs towards the wall and throws a few punches as her knuckles start bleeding. But nothing can tame her anger now. Furious princess throws the huge flower vase filled with white roses to the ground making a loud crashing sound. Following the breaking sound of the vase, ferocious thumping sounds could be heard. And with that, Mahendra enters her chamber with bloodshot red eyes. He closes the door of her chamber.
He is holding his golden scabbard in his left hand.
"How dare you insult me like that!" He growls like a beast.
"I insulted you? You insulted my whole kingdom!" She replies in a harsh tone refusing to lose to him.
His grip on his scabbard tightens. "Don't make me lose my patience!" He says trying to keep calm but miserably failing.
"You can keep your patience to yourself, but I can't. Everyone was right. You are a self-centered demon who likes to see others suffer." She snaps with a repelled red face.
That was the last straw for him. This woman crossed all the limits. His anger towards her heightens. He merges toward her like a hungry lion merging towards its prey. His light brown eyes have turned into a shade of completely dark black.

As he comes close to her, he pulls the sharp diamond-plated sword out of the scabbard tied to his belt. The tip of his sword is resting on her throat. She feels the cold blade on her throat but instead of showing fear she shows fury.

She says, " Now you're raising your sword at me! You might as well just kill me!"
"Don't push it!" He says in a hush angry tone.

" Or what? My life is already a living hell! What else can you do?" She screams.
He stares into her soul with his bloodshot red eyes and says, "you asked for it!"
And with one smooth swing, he tears her blouse into pieces. The torn pieces of her blouse slip down her body leaving her chest bare in front of his hungry eyes. Shocked and scared, she tries to cover her body with her hands as soon as she could, but he grabs both her hands. He pins her to the wall as she closes her eyes with fear. Her small body quickly sinks behind his big structure.
As he stares at her bare breasts he says, "Aren't you a delicate little rose? It should be quite fun to play with you!"
A teardrop rolls down her flushed red cheek as she looks straight into his eyes and says, "You are a demon!"
He chuckles a bit and with a deep voice, he states, "You have no idea how dangerous of a demon I am!"
Saying so he cups one of her breasts with his hand. He places a rough kiss on her lips as he grips her breast hard enough to make her whimper in pain. Her body shouldn't have reacted to the dirty actions of this demon, but shockingly enough it did. As his grip on her breasts hardened and the kiss grew wilder, she felt her nipples hardening and a part of her wanted more of his touch.
She tries her best to keep her mind in control and not give in to this monster.
He can feel Her silken, pillowy, soft lips against his own. His tongue follows the structure of her lips. He softly bites her lower lip. She closes her eyes shut. He pulls out from the kiss and places a wet kiss on her neck. He starts placing kisses on her neck, her collarbone, her throat, and her breasts. His warm kisses make her whole body shudder. He plants severe bites on her neck and breasts. He reaches for her nipples which are already hard and swollen from his grip. Seeing that, he smiles and says, "Aren't you a dirty little wh0re?" In a teasing tone. He starts sucking one of her nipples as his hand roughly grips the other one.
She doesn't know what's gotten into her. Her mind is playing tricks on her.

She can't take this anymore. Her whole existence starts feeling dirty to herself. Her increasing heartbeat and an unknown desire for his touch, make her feel horrible. She feels hatred toward herself.
"Stop it! Please let go! Please..." She cries out loud, her voice clearly drowned in pain.
"Kill me! But don't do this to me! I would rather die than be disrespected like this," she screams as tears flow down her face with a black stream of her mascara. Her throat feels like closing up. He lets her go. She is completely shocked at this. He let her go! That easily! Her wrists are swelled and covered in dark red bruises and cuts from her bangles. She sits on the floor with her back contested to the wall. Her neck and breasts are covered with blue marks of his bites. Tears are flowing down her expressionless face. She stares at the ground with red eyes welled up in tears.
He also storms out of her chamber closing the doors behind him. "Was what I did wrong? Am I really a monster?" He asks himself while leaving her chamber.
She sits there like a statue, covered in his love bites. No! Not love bites! He doesn't love her. She is just another whóre for him. He just wants to see her in pain, in dismay, he wants to take advantage of her weakness. She feels disgust towards herself as she silently cries in a corner of her room.

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